Friday, 23 November 2012

Bone marrow transplant and Homoeopathic medicine role

Bone marrow transplant

Bone marrow transplant,
Conditions associated with bone marrow transplant.

When the immune response is severely depressed-as the result of inherited defects, cancer therapy, or AIDS-one possible remedy is transfer of healthy bone marrow.
Bone marrow is the spongy center of our bones where blood is produced. It is also the home of out immune system. Bone marrow contains the parent cells, called stem cells, that later mature into white blood cells (infection fighting cells), red blood cells (oxygen carrying cells), and platelets (which aid in blood clotting). The numbers of our blood cells will be closely monitored throughout the transplant process. As our transplant marrow begins to produce blood cells, our blood counts will begin to rise and body will begin to regain immunity, strength, and energy.
When the immune response is severely depressed-as the result of inherited defects, cancer therapy, or AIDS-one possible remedy is transfer of healthy bone marrow.
Bone marrow transplants are also used to treat patients with cancers of the blood, the blood forming organs, and the lymphoid system-the leukemias and lymphoma.
Once in the circulation, transplanted bone marrow cells travel to the bones where the immune cells grow into functioning B and T cells. Like other transplanted tissue, however, bone marrow from a donor must carry self markers that closely match those of the person intended to receive it.
This match is essential not only to prevent the transplant from being rejected, but also to fend off a life threatening situation known as graft-versus-host disease. In graft-versus host disease, mature T cells from the donor attack and destroy the tissue of the recipient.
To prevent graft-versus-host disease, scientists have developed techniques to “cleanse” the donor marrow of potentially dangerous mature T cells. These include chemicals and, more recently, a monoclonal antibody (OKT3) that specifically recognizes and eliminates mature T cells.
Aplastic Anemia
Aplastic anemia is a rare (5-10 cases per million), serious condition where the bone marrow fails to produce white cells, red cells and the platelets. Aplastic anemia is observed in children as well as in adults.

The term Aplastic comes from the word aplasia that means failure of generation or formation. Anemia means deficiency in the oxygen-carrying component of the blood.

The spongy material inside the bones is called as bone marrow and is like a factory that produces blood cells (red cells, white cells and platelets). In case of Aplastic anemia bone marrow fails to form or develop blood cells.

The red cells in the blood carry oxygen from the lungs to all areas of the body. In Aplastic anemia with less number of red cells, body parts do not get sufficient oxygen that is absolutely essential for their functioning. 

White cells fight infection by attacking and destroying germs and their less number in Aplastic anemia leads to poor defense mechanism making the suffering individual prone to various and at times lethal infections. 

Platelets are blood cells that control bleeding by forming blood clots in areas of injury. Reduced platelets lead to blood clotting disorder, whereby blood does not clot naturally, leading to uncontrolled bleeding.

Suggestion about Homoeopathic Treatment: Role of  Homoeopathy in Aplastic anemia

1. Homoeopathic Medicinei attempt to stimulate the healthy portion of bone marrow to improve cell production. This may help to reduce the number of blood transfusions.

2. Homeopathy medicines improve general vitality and well being of a patient to help him fight infections. 

3. Homeopathy medicines can be useful to control bleeding disorder associated with Aplastic anemia.

4. Homeopathy medicines are effective in curtailing further course and pace of disease.

5. The diagnosis of Aplastic anemia can have terrible emotional impact on the patient, which can have detrimental effect on immunity, thus adding fuel to the fire. Homeopathy medicines having positive influence on the psyche of patient can take care of this mind-body link. 

6. Homeopathy medicines are beneficial in countering side-effects associated with conventional therapy. 

7. Homeopathy medicines have very effective long term beneficial effect or preventive effect in terms of countering genetic tendencies and balancing disturbed immunity that are root causes of this serious malady. The chances of relapse significantly diminish with homeopathy treatment. The important point that should be emphasized is that when dealing with serious condition like Aplastic anemia, the beneficial effects of multiple therapeutic systems should be used in concordance with each other. There cannot be a single or exclusive line of treatment. Homeopathy medicines, as they do not adversely interfere with conventional medication, are absolutely safe to have synergetic effect of treatment. Moreover, homeopathy medicines are absolutely safe and do not have any side effects what so ever. However, considering the pace and grievous nature of disease, homeopathy alone may have limitations in managing Aplastic anemia. One cannot expect miraculous cure for Aplastic anemia with homeopathy alone. Nonetheless, homeopathy treatment along with conventional treatment can add a lot to quality management of patient with Aplastic anemia. It should be emphasized that Homeopathic treatment is not a substitute to any mode of modern medicine such as blood transfusion or bone marrow transplant, etc. The role of homeopathy is more complementary than alternative, when it comes to managing Aplastic anemia.

For cancer patients who face immunosuppressive therapy but who have no readily matched donor, doctors have used “autologous” transplants: the person’s bone marrow is removed, frozen, and stored until therapy is complete; then the cells are thawed and reinfused.

Natural Home Remedies for a strong Immune System.

The immune system is the most important system of the body wh en it comes to preventing diseases, a weak immune system increases the chances of becoming ill with any type of infection, low immunity can detected if some of these signs are present: 
-Chronic infections  
-Frequent colds and flu 
-Frequent cold sores or genital herpes

Sixty five years ago medical scientists promised us that infections caused by bacteria and others would be a thing of the past due to the new discovery of patented pharmaceutical drugs. This very brave statement was made and almost automatically more than half of the herbs recommended in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia were taken off to be replaced with these chemical drugs. I wish I could tell you that the promised was kept and that now we live in an infection free world, but this is not so. We are all familiar with the enormous amounts and resistance of bacteria. Antibiotics have not live up to their promised; to the contrary they have become a problem in itself, by over use and side effects that cause liver, kidney, nervous and immune system damage.

Modern conventional medicine battles diseases directly by means of drugs, surgery, radiation and other therapies, but true health can be attained only by maintaining a healthy properly functioning immune system and using home remedies can definitely help to strengthen the ability to fight diseases. 

It is the immune system that fights off disease-causing microorganisms and it engineers the healing process. The immune system is the key to fighting every kind of insult to the body, from that little shaving scratch to the gigantic amount of viruses the constantly try to invade our bodies. Even the aging process may be related to a deteriorated immune system. 

Weakening of the immune system makes us vulnerable to every type of illness that affects humans. Some common signs of impaired immune functions include fatigue, lassitude, repeated infections, inflammation, allergic reactions, slow wound healing, chronic diarrhea and infections related to overgrowth of benign organisms already present in the body, such as oral thrush, vaginal yeast infections and other fungal infections. It is calculated that a normal adult gets an average of two colds per year. People suffering from colds more than the average are likely to have some sort of immune deficiency. Dark circles could be directly related to an immune system malfunction. 

Explaining what the immune system is the hard part. The immune system it is not an organ but an interaction between many organs, structures and substances with the task of recognizing or differencing from things that belong and those that don’t belong to the body, and then neutralizing or destroying the ones that are foreign. 

The immune system is like no other bodily system, the patrolling and protecting tasks of the immune system are share by white cells, bone marrow, the lymphatic vessels and organs, specialized cells found and various body tissues, and specialized substances, called serum factors, that are present in the blood. Ideally, all of these components work together to protects the body against diseases.

To boost and protect your immune system I recommend a list of herbs, vitamins, supplements and special home remedies recipes that have shown remarkable results throughout the years. 

Home Remedies to strengthen the immune system.

Immune System Home Remedy #1:

Astragalus boosts the immune system and generates anticancer cells in the body. It is also a powerful antioxidant and protects the liver from toxins. This makes this plant ideal for people suffering from dark circles due to liver problems and depressed immune system. IMPORTANT: Do not take this herb if fever is present. 

Immune System Home Remedy #2:

Baybarry has antibiotic effects for sore throat, coughs, clods and flu. 
Garlic is effective against at least 30 types of bacteria, viruses, parasites and fungi. It has anti-inflammatory and astringent properties.  

Immune System Home Remedy #3:

Echinacea boosts the immune system and enhances lymphatic function. 

Immune System Home Remedy #4:

Goldenseal strengthens the immune system, cleanses and detoxifies the body. It has anti bacteria properties. 

Immune System Home Remedy #5:

In a small town called Chirchik, Russia, a flu epidemic swept the town. When many adults and children did not get sick scientists wanted to know why they were immune to the disease. It turns out that all of them used the berries from an herb called Shizandra.  

Immune System Home Remedy #6:

Immune System Booster.  
2 cups of water.  
1 tsp. echinacea root.  
½ tsp. chamomile leaves.  
½ tsp. shizandra berries.  
½ tsp. peppermint leaves.  

Immune System Home Remedy #7:

Immune Tincture. 
½ tsp. Echinacea root tincture. 
½ tsp. pau d´arco bark tincture. 
½ tsp. Siberian ginseng root tincture. 
½ tsp. licorice root tincture. 
½ tsp. astragalus root tincture. 
½ tsp. bupleurum root tincture. 
Combine all these ingredients. If you have evidence of a depressed immune system, take 3 tsp. of the formula daily for up to 5 days. Double the dose during an infection.  

Immune System Home Remedy #8:

Include in the diet chlorella, garlic and pearl barley. These foods contain germanium, a trace element beneficial for the immune system. Also giant red kelp contains iodine, calcium, iron, carotene, protein, riboflavin and vitamin C, which are necessary for the immune system’s functional integrity. 

Immune System Home Remedy #9:

Vitamin C may be the single most important nutrient for the immune system. It is essential for the formation of adrenal hormones and the production of lymphocytes. It also has direct effect on bacteria and viruses. Vitamin C should be taken with bioflavonoids, natural plant substances that enhance absorption and reinforce the action of this vitamin.

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

PNEUMONIA- Child desease and their homoeopathic treatment.


Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lung caused by infection with bacteria, viruses, and other organisms. Pneumonia is usually triggered when a patient's defense system is weakened, most often by a simple viral upper respiratory tract infection or a case of influenza. Such infections or other triggers do not cause pneumonia directly but they alter the mucous blanket, thus encouraging bacterial growth. Other factors can also make specific people susceptible to bacterial growth and pneumonia.


Bacteria are the most common causes of pneumonia, but these infections can also be caused by other microbial organisms. It is often impossible to identify the specific culprit. The most common cause of pneumonia is the gram-positive bacterium Streptococcus pneumoniae (also called S. pneumoniae or pneumococcal pneumonia ). The most common gram-negative species causing pneumonia is Haemophilus influenzae (generally occurring in patients with chronic lung disease, older patients, and alcoholics).

Atypical pneumonias are generally caused by tiny nonbacterial organisms called Mycoplasma or Chlamydia pneumoniae and produce mild symptoms with a dry cough. Viruses that can cause or lead to pneumonia include influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), herpes simplex virus, varicella-zoster (the cause of chickenpox), and adenovirus.

What Causes Pneumonia?

Pneumonia is caused by viruses, bacteria, parasites or other organisms. In most cases, the bacteria and viruses that are causing pneumonia cannot be identified. Pneumonia may be transmitted after you have breathed infected air particles into your lungs or during sleep, after you have breathed certain bacteria from your nose and throat into your lungs.
Bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, Chlamydophila pneumoniae, Legionella and Mycoplasma pneumonia (walking pneumonia) can cause pneumonia. Viruses such as the influenza A (the flu virus) and parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), adenovirus, SARS, measles and chickenpox virus can also cause pneumonia. Some forms of fungi and parasites such as Pneumocystis carinii often causes pneumonia in people with compromised immune systems such as those with AIDS.
Aspiration pneumonia occurs when you have breathed food, liquid, gastric juices or vomit into the lungs – this may happen if you have had a stroke, Parkinson’s disease or a seizure which makes it difficult for you to swallow. Pneumonia may also develop during the course of your daily life such as at work, school or gym (community-based pneumonia) or if you are hospitalized or at a nursing home (hospital-based pneumonia).
People age 65 years and older as well as very young children have a higher risk of developing pneumonia because their immune systems are weak or under developed. Additional risk factors include:
  • Respiratory tract infections (influenza or parainfluenza)
  • Smoking
  • Alcoholism or drug abuse
  • Immunosuppressive disorders such HIV/AIDS
  • Chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, sickle cell disease, kidney disease, chronic bronchitis, asthma , cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or emphysema
  • Removal of your spleen
  • Exposure to environmental toxicity (pollutants or chemicals)
  • People who have had surgery or suffered traumatic injury
  • Therapies such as chemotherapy or long-tem use of immunosuppressant drugs
  • Hospitalized patients or older people in nursing homes

Symptoms of Common Pneumonias

General Symptoms.
The symptoms of bacterial pneumonia develop abruptly and may include chest pain, fever, shaking, chills, shortness of breath, and rapid breathing and heart beat.
Symptoms of pneumonia indicating a medical emergency include high fever, a rapid heart rate, low blood pressure, bluish-skin, and mental confusion.
Coughing up sputum containing pus or blood is an indication of serious infection.
Severe abdominal pain may accompany pneumonia occurring in the lower lobes of the lung.
In advanced cases, the patient's skin may become bluish (cyanotic), breathing may become labored and heavy, and the patient may become confused.
Symptoms in the Elderly. It is important to note that older people may have fewer or different symptoms than younger people have. An elderly person who experiences even a minor cough and weakness for more than a day should seek medical help. Some may exhibit confusion, lethargy, and general deterioration.
Symptoms of Pneumonia Causes by Anaerobic Bacteria
People with pneumonia caused by anaerobic bacteria such as Bacteroides, which can produce abscesses, often have prolonged fever and productive cough, frequently showing blood in the sputum, which indicates necrosis (tissue death) in the lung. About a third of these patients experience weight loss.
Symptoms of Atypical Pneumonia
General Symptoms for Atypical Pneumonias. Atypical nonbacterial pneumonia is most commonly caused by Mycoplasma and usually appears in children and young adults.
Symptoms progress gradually, often beginning with general flu-like symptoms, such as fatigue, fever, weakness, headache, nasal discharge, sore throat, ear ache, and stomach and intestinal distress.
Vague pain under and around the breast bone may occur, but the severe chest pain associated with typical bacterial pneumonia is uncommon.
Patients may experience a severe hacking cough, but it usually does not produce sputum.
Symptoms of Legionnaire's Disease. Symptoms of Legionnaire's disease usually evolve more rapidly and include high fever, a dry cough, and shortness of breath, often accompanied by headache, muscle pains, fatigue, gastrointestinal problems, and mental confusion.

Diagnosing Pneumonia

The diagnosis of pneumonia is based on your symptoms and a thorough examination as well as a review of your medical history. Your doctor will use a stethoscope to listen to your chest and lungs and certain tests such as a chest x-ray, blood and sputum tests may be ordered. In more severe cases, a lung biopsy and procedures such as a thoracentesis, bronchoscopy and spirometry may be performed.
Pneumonia often presents with flu  -like symptoms. The most common symptoms and signs of pneumonia include:
  • Cough with a yellowish or greenish mucus
  • Occasional bloody sputum
  • Fever
  • Shaking chills
  • Rapid, shallow breathing and shortness of breath
  • Sharp, stabbing pains in the chest often worsened by coughing or breathing in
  • Fatigue  and overall weakness
  • Nausea and vomiting
Symptoms that may occur in other cases of pneumonia include coughing, muscle aches, headaches, loss of appetite, rapid heart  beat, skin discoloration (a blueish-purplish tinge), and confusion particularly in older people.

What is Pneumonia?

Pneumonia is described as inflammation or infection of the lungs caused by various microorganisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. The lungs have a number of tiny air sacs that fill with mucus, liquids and pus and have difficulty functioning properly. Very often pneumonia follows a cold or flu but may also occur on its own or as a result of underlying diseases. If left untreated, pneumonia can lead to more serious health problems

Homeopathic Remedies for PNEUMONIA

#Aconite. [Acon]
Probably no fact is more fully established in medicine, in any school, than the beneficial action of Aconite action of Aconite in pulmonary congestions. It is the remedy of remedies in the first stage of pneumonia,because it corresponds more closely to the symptoms usually found in that stage. It should not, however, be used in this or any disease in the first or any stage unless the symptoms call for it. The symptoms are these: High fever preceded by a distinct chill; the pulse is full, hard and tense; a history of exposure may also be taken into consideration; dry, cold winds. The skin is hot and dry, without moisture upon it; there is a hard, dry, teasing and painful cough; there may be some expectoration present, if so it is watery, serous and frothy, may be blood tinged, but not thick. Thick expectoration indicates that exudation is commencing, and then Aconite is no longer the remedy. There is pain also with Aconite, which is poorly borne. With these symptoms there is great restlessness, tossing about, anxiety and perhaps fear ;of death. It will strengthen confidence in remedies to see Aconite act in these cases. Veratrum viride in some is similar to Aconite in some particulars, but it is easily distinguished; there is a full rapid pulse and a great deal of arterial excitement; the eyes are glistening and there is a red streak down through the centre of the tongue. It is, perhaps more often indicated at the commencement of a pneumonia than is Aconite. A great indication for Aconite in pulmonary congestions is suddenness ;of onset, and especially so if it occurs in young and plethoric persons who are full of life and vigor; for it is per-eminently in such patients that congestions, when appearing at all, appear suddenly. Gelsemium lacks the suddenness ;of Aconite. Here apathy is marked, and the two drugs need never be confounded.

#Ferrum phosphoricum. [Ferr-p]
This, like Aconite, is a remedy for the first stage before exudation takes place, and, ,like Aconite, if there be any expectoration it is thin, watery and blood streaked. It is a useful remedy for violent congestions of the lungs, whether appearing at the onset of the diseases or during its course, which would show that the inflammatory action was extending; it thus corresponds to what are termed secondary pneumonias, especially in the aged and debilitated. There is high fever, oppressed and hurried breathing, and bloody expectoration, very little thirst; there are extensive rales, and perhaps less of that extreme restlessness and anxiety that characterizes Aconite. This remedy, with kali muriaticum, forms the Schuesslerian treatment of this disease.
#Iodine. [Iod]
this remedy is one both for the first and second stage of pneumonia, especially for the croupous form. It has high fever and restlessness like aconite, and there is ad tendency to rapid extension of the hepatization. There is a decided cough and great difficulty in breathing, as if the chest would not expand; the sputum is blood streaked. Iodine may also be a remedy in the later stages when resolution does not progress, the lung breaking down with hectic and suppurative symptoms. Dr. Kafka, our celebrated German confrere, prescribed drop doses of Iodine in the 1st,2d or 3d dilution every hour or so as soon as physical signs of pneumonia showed themselves, and claimed that it would arrest the process of hepatization within twenty-four hours. He considered that Aconite was entirely unnecessary in the treatment of pneumonia. It is also favorably spoken of by Prof. T. F. Allen.

#Veratrum viride. [Verat]
In violent congestions about the chest preceding pneumonia Veratrum viride may be the remedy, and thus it is seem that its use is more in the beginning of the disease, and especially where there is great arterial excitement, dyspnoea,chest oppdression and stomach symptoms of nausea and vomiting; the engorgement is profound, and here it greatly resembles Sanguinaria; but it differs from that drug, in that it is of ;little use after hepatization has taken place. There is high fever, violent action of the heart, the pulse is full, hard and rapid, and the tongue has a red streak down the center; this latter symptom is a characteristic keynote of the drug. The air cells at the bottom of the lobes are filling up with frothy mucus. the pulse will indicate, it being full and hard. Hard, quick and small indicates Aconite. Strike out anxiety and alarm and insert an ugly delirium with a deeply flushed, bloated face and headache and you have veratrum viride. One must beware not to encourage cardiac depression with this remedy.
#Bryonia [Bry]
is the remedy for pneumonia; it furnishes a better pathological picture of the disease than any other, and it comes in after Aconite, Ferrum phosphoricum and Veratrum viride. The fever continues, but the skin is not as hot and the patient not as restless as in Aconite. the cough of Bryonia is looser and more moist than that of Aconite, and there are usually sharp stitching pleuritic pains,the cough of Bryonia is also hard and dry at times and the sputum is scanty and rust colored, so typical of pneumonia. There may be circumscribed redness of the cheeks, slight delirium and apathy; the tongue will most likely be dry, and the patient will most likely be dry,l and the patient will want to keep perfectly quiet. It is a right-sided remedy and attacks the parenchyma of the lung, and is perhaps more strongly indicated in the croupous form of pneumonia. The patient dreads to cough and holds his breath to prevent it on account of the pain it causes; it seems as though the chest walls would fly to pieces. The pains in the chest, besides being worse by motion and breathing, are relieved by lying on the right o;r painful side, be cause this lessens the motions ;of that side. Coughs which hurt distant parts of the body call for Bryonia. Phosphorus most commonly follows Bryonia in pneumonia, and is complementary. In pneumonias complicated by pleurisy Bryonia is the remedy, par excellence. Halbert believes that Cantharis relieves the painful features of the early development of the exudate better than any other remedy, a hint which comes from Dr.Jousset, who used the remedy extensively.
#Kali muriaticum. [Kali-m]
Since the advent of Schuesslerism this has been a favorite remedy with some physicians, and not without a good ground for its favoritism. Clinical experience has proved that this drug in alternation with Ferrum phosphoricum constitutes a treatment of pneumonia which has been very successful in many hands. The symptoms calling for Kali muriaticum as laid down by Schuessler are very meager, it is given simply because there is a fibrinous exudation in the lung substance. There is a white, viscid expectoration and the tongue is coated white. It is better suited to the second stage, for when the third stage appears with its thick, yellowish expectoration it is replaced by Kali sulphuricum in the biochemic nomoenclature.
#Phosphorus [Phos]
is "the great mogul of lobar pneumonia." It should be remembered that Phosphorus is not, like Bryonia, the remedy when the lungs are completely hepatized, although it is one of the few drugs which have been known to produce hepatization. When bronchial symptoms are present it is the remedy, and cerebral symptoms during pneumonia often yield better to Phosphorus than to Belladonna. There is cough ;with pain under sternum, as if something were torn loose; there is pressure across the upper part of the chest and constriction of the larynx; there is pressure across the upper part of the chest and constriction of the larynx; there are mucous rales, labored breathing, sputa yellowish mucus, with blood streaks therein, or rustcolored, as under Bryonia. After Phosphorus, Hepar sulphur. naturally follows as the exudate begins to often; it is the remedy of the third stage, the fever is ;of a low character. Tuberculinum. Arnulphy says that in lobular pneumonia this remedy surpasses Phosphorus or Antimonium tartaricum, and competent observers are convinced that it has an important place in the treatment of pneumonia; some using it in very case intercurrently; doses varying from 6x to 30x. When typhoid symptoms occur in the course of pneumonia then Phosphorus will come in beautifully. Phosphorus follows Bryonia well, being complementary to it. There is also a sensation as if the chest were full of blood, which causes an oppression ;of breathing, a symptom met with commonly enough in pneumonia. Hughes maintains that Phosphorus should be given in preference to almost any medicine in acute chest affections in young children. Lilienthal says Phosphorus is our great tonic to the heart and lungs. Hyoscyamus. Dr. Nash considers this remedy one ;of the best in typhoid pneumonia, meaning that it is more frequently indicated than any other.
#Sanguinaria. [Sang]
When Sanguinaria is indicated in pneumonia there will be fever, burning and fullness in the upper chest, a dry cough, sharp, sticking pains more on the right side, dyspnoea, and the expectoration is rust-colored, here resembling Phosphorus. It has circumscribed redness and burning heat of the cheeks, especially in the afternoon. The hands and feet are either very hot or very cold, the heart is weak and irregular, there is great engorgement of the lungs and the congestion is very intense, here resembling Veratrum viride. Sanguinaria has imperfect resolution and purulent expectoration, as in Sulphur but it is more offensive,even becoming so to the patient himself.
Bilious pneumonia is, perhaps more often indicative of Chelidonium than of any other remedy. there are stitching pains under the right scapula, loose rattling cough and difficult expectoration, oppression ;of chest, as under Antimonium tartaricum, and fan-like motions of the alae nasi, as under Lycopodium. Mercurius is quite similar in bilious pneumonia; the stools will decide, those of Mercurius being slimy and accompanied by tenesmus; the expectoration is also apt to be blood-streaked. With chelidonium there is an excess of secretion in the tubes, which ;is similar to Antimonium tartaricum, and an inability to raise the same. It has been greatly praised in catarrhal pneumonia of young children where there is plentiful secretion and inability to raise it. The right lung is more often affected in cases calling for chelidonium.
#Antimonium tartaricum. [Ant-t]
This drug is especially indicated in pneumonia and pleuro-pneumonia at the stage of resolution. There are fine moist rales heard all over the hepatized portion of the lungs; these are different from the Ipecac rales; they are fine, while those of Ipecac are coarse. With Antimonium tartaricum there is great oppression of breathing, worse towards morning, compelling the patient to sit up to breath. There are also sharp, stitching pains and high fever, as under Bryonia, and it, perhaps, more closely corresponds to the catarrhal form than it does to the croupous. Bilious symptoms, if present, do not contra-indicate, as there are many of these in its pathogenesis. There is one peculiar symptom, the patient feels sure that the next cough will raise the mucus, but it does not. When there is deficient reaction, as in the aged or ;in very young children, this remedy is particularly indicated .
#Kali carbonicum [Kali-c]
is, perhaps, more similar to Bryonia than any drug in the symptom of sharp, stitching pains in the chest. These are worse by motion, but, unlike Bryonia they come whether the patient moves or not, and are more in the lower part of the right lung. In pneumonia with intense dyspnoea and a great deal of mucus on the chest, which, like in all of the Kalis, is raised with difficulty, wheezing and whistling breathing, Kali carbonicum is the remedy, especially if the cough be tormenting. It comes in with benefit ofttimes where Antimonium tartaricum and Ipecac have failed to raise the expectoration. Kali bichromicum may be indicated by its well-known tough, stringy expectoration.
is a remedy to be used in any stage of pneumonia. It will prevent, if given in the beginning, if the symptoms indicate it. It will prevent hepatization and cause imperfect and slow resolution to react. When the case has a typhoid tendency and the lung and the lung tends to break down, where there are rales, muco-purulent expectoration slow speech, dry tongue and symptoms of hectic, Sulphur is the remedy. Weakness and faintness are characteristic symptoms. Dr. G. J. Jones says a dyspnoea occurring at night between 12 and 2 causing the patient to sit up in bed is a valuable symptom. Its field is especially in neglected pneumonias in psoric constitutions, with tendency to develop into tuberculosis. In purulent expectoration Sanguinaria is the better remedy, especially where it is offensive even to the patient himself. If the lung be hepatized, the patient at night restless and feverish, ulceration threatened, and there is no tendency to recuperation then one may depend upon Sulphur. Lycopodium is also; a most useful remedy in delayed or partial resolution. There is a tightness across the chest, aching over lungs, general weakness. Hughes says it is the best remedy where the case threatens to run into acute phthisis.

Pneumonia - Home Treatment

Home treatment is important for recovery from pneumonia. The following measures can help you recover and avoid complications.
  • Get plenty of rest. Drink plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration.
  • Take care of your cough  if it is making it hard for you to rest. A cough is one way your body gets rid of the infection. And you should not try to stop your coughing unless it is severe enough to make breathing difficult, cause vomiting  or prevent rest.
  • Consider taking acetaminophen  (such as Tylenol) or aspirin to help reduce fever and make you feel more comfortable. Do not give aspirin to anyone younger than 20 because of the risk of Reye syndrome.
Your doctor may want to see you after a week of treatment to make sure you are getting better. Be sure to contact your doctor if you do not feel better, your cough gets worse, you have shortness of breath or a fever, you feel weak, or you feel faint when you stand up.

Help for Pneumonia

The treatment of pneumonia generally depends on the cause, its severity and your overall health. Medications such as antibiotics may be prescribed to treat bacterial pneumonia – remember to complete the full course. Antibiotics for viral pneumonia are not very effective. If you have developed aspiration pneumonia, an endotracheal tube which is a breathing tube is inserted into your trachea so that oxygen can be pumped into the lungs.
Suction is also used to clear the airways to remove vomit or chemicals. Vaccines can help prevent pneumonia in children, the elderly, and people who suffer from chronic conditions such as asthma, emphysema, diabetes. cancer or HIV. Pneumococcal vaccine prevents the Streptococcus pneumoniae, flu vaccine prevents the influenza virus and pneumonia, and Hib vaccine prevents Haemophilus influenzae type b.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Burns and Homeopathic Remedies, Natural medicines......


Homeopathic remedies can help to soothe the pain of burns and reduce the chance of blistering. Burns require immediate attention to prevent further tissue damage, so cold applications and natural remedies should always be close at hand. Burns—even minor ones—can cause some degree of shock, and care should be taken that the person rests. Any serious burn should have emergency attention from a physician.
There are three levels of burns:
·         First-degree burns affect only the outer layer of the skin. They cause pain, redness, and swelling.

·         Second-degree (partial thickness) burns affect both the outer and underlying layer of skin. They cause pain, redness, swelling, and blistering.

    Third-degree (full thickness) burns extend into deeper tissues. They cause white or blackened, charred skin that may be numb.
Before giving first aid, evaluate how extensively burned the person is and try to determine the depth of the most serious part of the burn. Then treat the entire burn accordingly. If in doubt, treat it as a severe burn.
By giving immediate first aid before professional medical help arrives, you can help lessen the severity of the burn. Prompt medical attention to serious burns can help prevent scarring, disability, and deformity. Burns on the face, hands, feet, and genitals can be particularly serious.
Children under age 4 and adults over age 60 have a higher chance of complications and death from severe burns.
In case of a fire, you and the others there are at risk for carbon monoxide poisoning. Anyone with symptoms of headache, numbness, weakness, or chest pain should be tested.
Burns can be caused by dry heat (like fire), wet heat (such as steam or hot liquids), radiation, friction, heated objects, the sun, electricity, or chemicals.
Thermal burns are the most common type. Thermal burns occur when hot metals, scalding liquids, steam, or flames come in contact with your skin. These are frequently the result of fires, automobile accidents, playing with matches, improperly stored gasoline, space heaters, and electrical malfunctions. Other causes include unsafe handling of firecrackers and kitchen accidents (such as a child climbing on top of a stove or grabbing a hot iron).
Burns to your airways can be caused by inhaling smoke, steam, superheated air, or toxic fumes, often in a poorly ventilated space.
Burns in children are sometimes traced to parental abuse.
·         Blisters
·         Pain (the degree of pain is not related to the severity of the burn -- the most serious burns can be painless)
·         Peeling skin
·         Red skin
·         Shock (watch for pale and clammy skin, weakness, bluish lips and fingernails, and a drop in alertness)
·         Swelling
·         White or charred skin
Symptoms of an airways burn:
·         Charred mouth; burned lips
·         Burns on the head, face, or neck
·         Wheezing
·         Change in voice
·         Difficulty breathing; coughing
·         Singed nose hairs or eyebrows
·         Dark, carbon-stained mucus
First Aid
·         If the skin is unbroken, run cool water over the area of the burn or soak it in a cool water bath (not ice water). Keep the area submerged for at least 5 minutes. A clean, cold, wet towel will also help reduce pain.
·         Calm and reassure the person.
·         After flushing or soaking, cover the burn with a dry, sterile bandage or clean dressing.
·         Protect the burn from pressure and friction.
·         Over-the-counter ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help relieve pain and swelling. Do NOT give children under 12 aspirin. Once the skin has cooled, moisturizing lotion also can help.
·         Minor burns will usually heal without further treatment. However, if a second-degree burn covers an area more than 2 to 3 inches in diameter, or if it is located on the hands, feet, face, groin, buttocks, or a major joint, treat the burn as a major burn.
·         Make sure the person is up to date on tetanus immunization.
·         If someone is on fire, tell the person to stop, drop, and roll. Wrap the person in thick material to smother the flames (a wool or cotton coat, rug, or blanket). Douse the person with water.
·         Call 911.
·         Make sure that the person is no longer in contact with smoldering materials. However, do NOT remove burned clothing that is stuck to the skin.
·         Make sure the person is breathing. If breathing has stopped, or if the person's airways are blocked, open the airways. If necessary, begin rescue breathing and CPR.
·         Cover the burn area with a dry sterile bandage (if available) or clean cloth. A sheet will do if the burned area is large. Do NOT apply any ointments. Avoid breaking burn blisters.
·         If fingers or toes have been burned, separate them with dry, sterile, non adhesive dressings.
·         Elevate the body part that is burned above the level of the heart. Protect the burn area from pressure and friction.
·         Take steps to prevent shock. Lay the person flat, elevate the feet about 12 inches, and cover the person with a coat or blanket. However, do NOT place the person in this shock position if a head, neck, back, or leg injury is suspected or if it makes the person uncomfortable.
·         Continue to monitor the person's vital signs until medical help arrives. This means pulse, rate of breathing, and blood pressure.

What are the signs of burning problems?

Burning symptoms fall into two main categories: paresthesias and tissue-damage burning symptoms. The two categories are easily distinguished by their very different causes. Temporary paresthesia is a prickling or pins-and-needles sensation that may be perceived as a burning symptom. It is most familiar as the sensation you feel when your leg or arm has fallen asleep because of persistent pressure on a nerve after staying in one position for too long. Chronic paresthesia lasts longer and is caused by nerve damage from either trauma or a neurologic disorder.
In contrast, tissue-damage burning symptoms (or burns) are described as a feeling of heat that is nearly always accompanied by some degree of pain (except in severe burns that have caused nerve destruction), ranging from a mildly sharp pain (as in a mild sunburn) to a searing pain. These symptoms are caused by tissue damage from exposure to chemicals, radiation, heat, electricity or sunlight. Burn injuries often affect the skin, but they can also affect mucous membranes and internal tissues or organs.

·         Do NOT apply ointment, butter, ice, medications, cream, oil spray, or any household remedy to a severe burn.
·         Do NOT breathe, blow, or cough on the burn.
·         Do NOT disturb blistered or dead skin.
·         Do NOT remove clothing that is stuck to the skin.
·         Do NOT give the person anything by mouth, if there is a severe burn.
·         Do NOT immerse a severe burn in cold water. This can cause shock.
·         Do NOT place a pillow under the person's head if there is an airways burn. This can close the airways.
When to Contact a Medical Professional
·         The burn is extensive (the size of your palm or larger).
·         The burn is severe (third degree).
·         You aren't sure how serious it is.
·         The burn is caused by chemicals or electricity.
·         The person shows signs of shock.
·         The person inhaled smoke.
·         Physical abuse is the known or suspected cause of the burn.
·         There are other symptoms associated with the burns
Call a doctor if your pain is still present after 48 hours. Call immediately if signs of infection develop. These signs include increased pain, redness, swelling, drainage or pus from the burn,swollen lymph nodes, red streaks spreading from the burn, or fever.
Also call immediately if there are signs of dehydration: thirst, dry skin, dizziness, lightheadedness, or decreased urination. Children, elderly, and anyone with a weakened immune system (for example, HIV) should be seen right away.
To help prevent burns:
·         Install smoke alarms in your home. Check and change batteries regularly.
·         Teach children about fire safety and the hazards of matches and fireworks.
·         Keep children from climbing on top of a stove or grabbing hot items like irons and oven doors.
·         Turn pot handles toward the back of the stove so that children can't grab them and they can't be accidentally knocked over.
·         Place fire extinguishers in key locations at home, work, and school.
·         Remove electrical cords from floors and keep them out of reach.
·         Know about and practice fire escape routes at home, work, and school.
·         Set temperature of water heater at 120 degrees or less.

Arnica: This is a valuable first-aid remedy to help reduce pain and swelling and prevent the onset of shock after any injury. Another remedy that is more specific to the burn should be considered after Arnica.
Cantharis: This remedy is indicated for extreme burning pain, when the person is very intense and restless. It is often useful in reducing or preventing blister formation. Cantharis can help with any burn, but is most often indicated for severe ones (second or third degree). If used early it will prevent the formation of blisters. This is the most used remedy for scalds, burn and sunburns with blisters and superficial ulceration. Small blisters coalesce to form large blisters. Burns and scalds with rawness and burning better for cold applications. Burns followed by excessive inflammation. Burns that lead to tetanic or epileptic convulsions followed by coma. Extensive burns that result in renal complications. Patient is worsened by touch, approach and better for rest. Use internally as a remedy and externally as a lotion
Causticum: If a burn is intensely painful and blisters seem to be forming, this remedy may help to bring relief. The person often feels more sad than restless from the pain. Rawness and soreness may develop in the injured area. Causticum is also helpful when pain remains in older burns, or when burns have not completely healed.
Hepar sulphuris calcareum: This remedy is helpful for treating very sensitive and painful burns in people who are prone to infection. The person may feel extremely vulnerable and irritable, and may have chills or be very sensitive to cold.
Hypericum: This remedy is often helpful when the pain of a burn is intense and the nerves are extremely sensitive. Along with the usual discomfort of a burn, stabbing or shooting pains may be felt in the injured area.
Phosphorus: This remedy may be useful for the pain of electrical burns, on the way to medical care. (When electrical burns occur, the damaged area may look small on the surface, but be more extensive underneath; they should always be examined by a doctor.)
Urtica urens: When a burn is mild and the primary symptoms are redness and stinging pain, this remedy often brings relief. It is often useful for sunburn when the pain is prickly and stinging. For simple burns involving the skin. Superficial burns. Burns with Intense burning and itching. Useful for chemical burns or burns from poisonous plants. Use internally as  a remedy or externally as a lotion
Calendula and Hypericum tinctures: These tinctures (used topically in unpotentized herbal form) often is helpful in soothing burns and promoting tissue healing. Ten drops of eitherCalendula or Hypericum tincture, or both, may be mixed in an ounce of water and applied to the area several times per day.

Homeopathy Dosage Directions
Select the remedy that most closely matches the symptoms. In conditions where self-treatment is appropriate, unless otherwise directed by a physician, a lower potency (6X, 6C, 12X, 12C, 30X, or 30C) should be used. In addition, instructions for use are usually printed on the label.
Many homeopathic physicians suggest that remedies be used as follows: Take one dose and wait for a response. If improvement is seen, continue to wait and let the remedy work. If improvement lags significantly or has clearly stopped, another dose may be taken. The frequency of dosage varies with the condition and the individual. Sometimes a dose may be required several times an hour; other times a dose may be indicated several times a day; and in some situations, one dose per day (or less) can be sufficient.
If no response is seen within a reasonable amount of time, select a different remedy.

There are three levels of burns, two of which can usually be handled in your home or apartment.

First degree burns affect the outer part of your skin only. Sunburn and scalding from hot water or steam are a couple of examples of first degree burns.

Second degree burns are more painful and produce blistering or loss of some outer skin, while perhaps affecting underlying skin. If it covers a large area or if it is on your hands and face, you may want to seek medical help quickly. But these first aid tips can apply to first and second degree burns before getting medical attention.

Third degree burns are the worst, going deeply and possibly destroying muscle tissue. Then it's 911 or rush to the hospital ER time. These tips are not recommended for third degree burns. Ironically, there may be less pain experienced due to nerve damage or shock.
If any level of burn is from a chemical, rinsing for a long time with lots of water is needed before other first aid handling.
(1) Cold Water
This may be the first thing to do before anything else. If practical, soaking the burn in water with a few ice cubes provides immediate relief. Do not put ice directly on a burn. It may be necessary to use ice for removing dried wax or tar at first, but otherwise ice is too much of a shock for the damaged skin. Just use the ice to keep the water really cold for as long as possible, until the pain subsides. Sometimes running water on the burn is helpful and quicker to utilize. The constant flow keeps the water from warming up and literally moves the heat away.
(2) Vinegar
This seems counterintuitive, but plain vinegar, especially if it's cold out of the fridge, was a sunburn remedy for taking out the sting and healing quickly with native Floridians for years. For a more serious first degree burn and even some second degree burns, it's recommended that a compress soaked in vinegar and water be placed over the burn. It seems the pH factor of vinegar helps heal burns faster.

(3) Lavender
Pure unadulterated lavender essential oil is used both for pain relief and faster healing. Lavender is even used in some hospitals for burns. It's good to use for second degree burns as well as first degree burns. Lavender can eliminate infections due to its natural antibiotic qualities. It can be used for pain relief as well as healing, but you can get more immediate relief from the pain with cold water and then a spray of some therapeutic grade lavender oil on the area.
(4) Aloe Vera
Great for healing first and second degree burns. Aloe Vera should be applied after most of the pain is handled. It's best to use it fresh from the plant's leaves. Simply peel part of a leaf to expose the gooey part and rub that on the burn. There are some commercially sold Aloe Vera gels, but one has to make sure they are not adulterated in any way.
(5) Noni Juice
Though not well known, Noni Juice applied directly to burns has a successful anecdotal history. It's effective if you can get freshly squeezed Noni juice instead of the reconstituted stuff multi-level groups promote. Noni juice has historically demonstrated powerful healing properties with topical applications on burns in the Pacific Islands.

(6) Calendula

Calendula is also used for both minor burns and sunburn and can be applied in ointment, cream or lotion form to the face. It helps relieve and heal injured or inflamed skin, and a cooled infusion of the herb's bright marigold flower makes a soothing lotion or wash, according to Chevallier and the University of Maryland Medical Center. The cleansing, antiseptic and detoxifying properties of calendula also help stave off infection in burns, adds Chevallier.

(7) Witch Hazel

Common witch hazel water is produced using distilled liquid made from the tree bark and leaves of the witch hazel tree. Witch hazel water is a helpful facial skin tonic and cleanser, but witch hazel water or lotion aids in healing sore and inflamed skin such as that affected by minor burns, according to Chevallier.

(8) Oats

Once your burn or sunburn starts to heal, you might find that soaked oats will help to ease healing burned skin. Oats also naturally nourish and revitalize facial skin. Make an oatmeal face mask to relieve inflamed skin or use oats to help slough away dead skin.

All of these first aid 
remedies can all be easily stored in your kitchen.



Honey is concentrated nectar produced and processed by honeybees. Natural, or raw, honey does not undergo further processing. Many store-bought honeys undergo filtering and pasteurization, which produces a clear liquid and prevents crystallization during storage. This process also removes many of the other bee products found in honey, such as bee pollen and propolis, which may affect the healing properties. Honey used for burn treatment, as well as other medical applications, is usually unprocessed natural honey.



Healers have used honey as a medicinal product for thousands of years, according to, and ancient Egyptian medical texts include references to honey as a healing remedy. A common use for honey was---and still is---as a topical application for burns and wound healing due to its antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Honey may also function as an expectorant and is an ingredient in some holistic and homeopathic cough syrups.



Several studies have evaluated the effectiveness of honey as a treatment for burns. A 2009 review in the New Zealand Medical Journal evaluated eight controlled trials that evaluated the efficacy of honey compared with other burn treatments. The reviewers concluded that natural, or unprocessed, honey was superior to other substances for the treatment of first-degree and mild second-degree burns. They recommend further research, however, noting that the clinical trials were poorly structured.


Honey absorbs water from bacteria, slowing its reproduction and growth, according to Malcolm Sanford, a professor at the University of Florida. It also covers burns and prevents air from reaching the area, which may reduce pain. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations says honey reduces blistering of burns, speeds healing and reduces scarring by stimulating skin re-growth. As an added benefit, dressings coated with honey do not stick to wounds and burns.


The physical characteristics of honey vary depending on the primary nectar utilized by the honeybees. Different nectars result in different levels of sweetness, as well as different colors, aromas and tastes. Sanford notes that mangrove honey is very sweet and light-colored, while orange blossom honey has a citrus taste and may be a reddish color. The healing properties of honey do not seem to depend on the nectar. Some proponents of manuka honey claim it has superior healing properties compared with other honeys; however, the scientific evidence is mixed.


Do not apply honey to moderate or severe burns without first consulting a health care professional. If mild burns do not improve in a day or two, a medical evaluation may be necessary. External application of honey to intact skin is generally safe, and it is a common ingredient in soaps and skin care products. If you are allergic to honey or bees, however, consult your health care professional before using honey in any form.

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