Breastfeeding Tips
A humble relation make between mother and baby by the help of Breast Feeding, in which baby familiar with their mother smell and taste of mother milk.
Breast milk is the best
and most important that you can give to your newborn and there`s no better
alternative, to nourish and protect your baby from the hostile elements of
diseases, than breastfeeding your baby, at least for the initial six months of
your baby`s life. During these six months of his or her life, your baby will
get prepared for other types of foods including the solid ones. And if needed
or desired you can go on breastfeeding your baby until baby reaches the 3rd
year of his or her life. Breastfeeding the Babies is the best option to give
the babies the nutrition they require.
Breast milk is produced
in mothers spontaneously and exclusively- by every mother for their babies.
Breast milk offers protection to your baby from the unknown allergenic elements
as it contains a number of immune elements and antibodies that makes your baby
stronger and immune. Breast milk has the adequate quality and sufficient amount
of nutrients that conforms to the basic requirements of food for the babies and
also gets easily digested into the digestive system of the babies.
While Breastfeeding the Babies, the mother should eat different types of nutritious foods and at the same time avoid controlling their weights by dieting. Mothers should normally feed their babies on their demand, usually after a time gap of two to three hours which totals up to 8 to 12 times in one day. Breastfeeding the Babies should be done from either of the breasts as long the babies demand and the breasts should be alternated mothers start with at each of the feedings. This lets both the breasts to produce sufficient and same quantity of milk.
At times babies can want to be fed more often than usual and for shorter time spans. This is known as -cluster feeding- and occurs frequently during the evening hours. This means that the babies are going through a sudden phase of growth which occurs normally when the babies are at their 2nd, 4th, and 6th months.
While Breastfeeding the Babies, the mother should eat different types of nutritious foods and at the same time avoid controlling their weights by dieting. Mothers should normally feed their babies on their demand, usually after a time gap of two to three hours which totals up to 8 to 12 times in one day. Breastfeeding the Babies should be done from either of the breasts as long the babies demand and the breasts should be alternated mothers start with at each of the feedings. This lets both the breasts to produce sufficient and same quantity of milk.
At times babies can want to be fed more often than usual and for shorter time spans. This is known as -cluster feeding- and occurs frequently during the evening hours. This means that the babies are going through a sudden phase of growth which occurs normally when the babies are at their 2nd, 4th, and 6th months.
Mother can know that
their babies are happy with feeding when they can listen to short sounds of
swallowing, which eventually becomes long and deep. The jaw muscles of the
babies and the areola, the portion that surrounds the nipples, move uniformly,
the movement of the jaw muscles being seen up to their ears, when your babies
are fed well. But if the babies are not fed well the mothers would be able to
hear lip smacking sounds and not those of swallowing. The nursing process also
hurts the mothers if the babies don-t feed well. And if the breasts get
inflated the babies can face problem to latch on. So it`s recommended for the
mothers to massage or pump out the milk with breast pump to help the babies
grip on to the nipples. If the mothers face any problem regarding they are
advised to consult their doctors, or any experienced person who is a close
friend or relative.
Most of site such as gives you exceptional information on Breastfeeding the Babies. For obtaining complete knowledge about the Health of Your Baby,
Most of site such as gives you exceptional information on Breastfeeding the Babies. For obtaining complete knowledge about the Health of Your Baby,
My Baby is suddenly
refusing to nurse. Should I give the bottle?
A baby who is truly ready to wean will almost always do so
gradually, over a period of weeks or months. If your baby or toddler has been
breastfeeding well and suddenly goes on a `nursing strike`, be patient. Most
nursing strikes are over in a couple of days, with the baby back to
Nursing strikes happen
for many reasons. They are usually a temporary reaction to an external factor,
although sometimes their cause is never determined. Here are some of the most
common triggers of nursing strikes:
changed your deo, soap, perfume, lotion, etc., and you smell `different` to
your baby.
been under stress (such as having extra company, travelling, moving, dealing
with a family crisis).
Your baby
or toddler has an illness or injury that makes nursing uncomfortable (an ear
infection, a stuffy nose, thrush, a cut in the mouth).
baby has sore gums from teething.
recently changed your nursing patterns (started a new job, left the baby in a
reacted strongly when your baby bit you and the baby was frightened.
Getting over the nursing
strike and getting your baby back to the breast takes patience and persistence.
Get medical attention if an illness or injury seems to have caused the strike.
See if you can get some extra help with your household chores and older
children so that you can spend lots of time with the baby. Stop and comfort
your baby if he or she gets upset when you try to nurse.
Remember that your baby
isn`t rejecting you, and that breastfeeding will almost always get back to
normal with a little time.
The advantages of
It`s easy. The milk is
always available to the baby. The mother doesn`t have to worry about sterilizing
a bottle when her baby is ready to eat. She doesn`t have to worry about keeping
milk warm or cold when going out. And best of all, a mother can feed her baby
in bed at night, allowing her to get as much rest as possible.
It`s best for the baby. Breast milk has antibodies, which pass from the mother to the baby and help protect the baby against illness and allergies.
It`s best for the baby. Breast milk has antibodies, which pass from the mother to the baby and help protect the baby against illness and allergies.
Breast milk is easily digested. Mothers don`t have to worry about their babies being constipated or thirsty, because babies get an adequate amount of water from breast milk.
Sucking at the breast
helps with good oral development. Breastfed babies have fewer speech impediments. Breastfed babies
have good cheekbone development and jaw alignment. Consequently, there is less
chance of needing braces and other orthodontal work.
Breastfeeding also is
good for the mother. The baby`s sucking at
the breast causes uterine contractions right after birth. The contractions lead
to less bleeding for the mother and return the uterus to its pre-pregnancy
shape much faster.
Breastfeeding burns calories. A breastfeeding mother can lose much of her pregnancy weight faster than if she were bottle feeding her baby.
Breastfeeding burns calories. A breastfeeding mother can lose much of her pregnancy weight faster than if she were bottle feeding her baby.
Breastfeeding creates a bond between mother and baby. This bond helps the mother learn her baby`s cues and signals faster. This makes mothering the baby easier.
Breast Feeding
-A disappearing practice
have you noticed that though there is so much of encouragement towards
breastfeeding, you rarely get to see women practicing it nowadays.... everyone
is busy bottle feeding their kids with formula. Though there is enough evidence
of the benefits of breastfeeding for the child as well as the mother and enough
documentation of the ill-effects of bottle feeding formula yet women knowingly
do the wrong thing for their babies?????
I for one
have experienced both the situations.
For my
1st child I tried breastfeeding but as expected the beginning few days are
difficulty in many ways- new mom with tiny baby at hand, trauma of child birth,
the usually initiation of lactation difficulty, etc, and I gave up
breastfeeding in a month s time and resorted to bottle feeding with formula
(but I still feel guilty of depriving my 1st born of the unlimited benefits of
Breast milk- giving her my antibodies so that she can fight effectively against
common illnesses, low risk for asthma, low risk for obesity, diabetes...)
With my
2nd baby I was determined to breastfeed come what may (!). And I did stick to
that promise. But guys it was not an easy task!!!! NO SIR NOT AT ALL....
feeding though a natural process has its own share of hiccups- it takes a
minimum of 1-2 days to almost 10-15 days for one to properly start producing
milk, during this period you see your tiny baby trying relentlessly to fill its
tummy by constantly suckling, crying, not sleeping, etc. all this can disgust
you and you can easily move to bottle feeding; then there is out of the world
pain discomfort due to nipple cracking, milk let down, engorgement, etc. this
can further more discourage you.
believe me once you get past these initial hurdles there is nothing like breast
feeding as it is clean, safe, immediate, convenient, healthy, wholesome,….
With my
1st born there was this huge set of bottles, formula containers, hot water to
be carried everywhere. Then the washing sterilization of bottles; disturbed
night sleep for both the child and me as I had to prepare the feed the child
had to wait and then there was this spending good amount of funds on formula,
But now
with my 2nd child once I got past those difficult initial 3 months I find that
my child and I are in a very comfortable and happy situation with
breastfeeding. Whenever the child demands he gets his feed, when he is cranky
he calms down with feeding, when he is sleepy he easily drifts into sleep with
feeding. In the night I don’t even have to sit up to feed, while lying down he
takes his feed and drifts of into sleep and I also fall back into sleep right
away, which helps both of us get enough sleep.
Not to
mention he is healthy, happy and falls less ill. More over now if I plan to go
out I can just pick him up and leave with an extra set for change and some
wipes. You know how convenient it is to breast feed babies in public places
nowadays! Every big market, shop, mall has a secluded place or a designated
place for women with little babies and all of us have cars so we can even feeds
babies on way to our destination due to which the child remains calm for at
least 2hrs.
Hence, my friends I urge you to practice breast feeding your baby
for the 1st year of
his/her life by this was you would have given the most precious gift ‘A Healthy
Start To Life’ to your child.