Saturday, 15 June 2013

Gallstones- An overall picture

How & Why Do Gallstones Form?

Right now you are probably feeling terrible. Sharp pains may be shooting through your body, most likely in your upper abdomen. There's an unexplainable tenderness, and you may have pain between your shoulder blades, or in your right shoulder. You may feel like vomiting, or you may have nausea.

Your gallbladder is a “pouch” below the liver that stores a fat emulsifying liquid (bile) produced by the liver. While a small amount of cholesterol in the bile is normal, bile acids and lecithin are necessary to keep the cholesterol soluble. When there is more cholesterol than the bile salts and lecithin can dissolve, gallstones begin to form.

This type of gallstone, made primarily of cholesterol, occurs most frequently. There are also many types known as “mixed” because they contain varying amounts of calcium and bilirubin along with cholesterol.
Gallstones (cholelithiasis) and inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) are the two most common forms of gallbladder disease. Gallstones are usually present when there is an inflammatory process going on within the gallbladder, and there is a controversy as to which of these disorders occurs first.

What follows are dietary guidelines to decrease both the cholesterol saturation of the bile and the irritation and inflammation of the gallbladder. Since the two conditions are so closely related, the same dietary guidelines apply. If you feel any of them need to be modified for your unique situation, please ask your doctor.

§  If applicable, reduce your total caloric intake. Being overweight is associated with an increased incidence/risk of gallstones.

§  Avoid fats, particularly if you are experiencing any symptoms, as fats stimulate contractions of the gallbladder. This means avoiding all dairy products, fried foods, meats, chocolate, nuts, olives, avocados, gravy, creamy sauces, etc. Even if you are not currently symptomatic, these foods are to be avoided and high quality fats are encouraged in moderation for overall health and to help keep the bile flowing. These “good fats” are available in foods such as fish (baked, broiled, poached, or grilled, not deep fried), soy beans and soy-derived products, olive oil, cold-pressed vegetable oils and flaxseed oil.

§  Avoid all refined and processed foods. They are generally high in fat and sugar, and low in fiber. All three of these factors, together or independently, tend to increase gallstone formation.

§  A high fiber diet is also recommended for overall health benefits, but specifically in this case as fiber prevents constipation and binds fats to encourage their excretion. High fiber foods include grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes (beans).

§  Eat primarily a vegetarian diet. Vegetarianism is associated with reduced risk/incidence of gallbladder disease. This may be due to the fact that vegetarian diets generally consist of fewer calories, less fat and more fiber than non-vegetarian.

§  Avoid all foods that you have a known sensitivity to (wheat, dairy, etc.). They do not cause gallstones, but can trigger attacks.

§  Eliminate eggs, onions and pork from your diet and make note of any changes in your symptoms. These foods are particularly irritating to the gallbladder in many individuals.
§  The following foods may also cause gastric distress, and should be omitted from your diet if they are not tolerated well: broccoli, cauliflower, corn, cucumbers, green peppers, radishes, turnips, dried peas, and various beans.

§  Certain spices can cause distention of the intestinal tract and increased intestinal movement (peristalsis), which may be irritating to the gallbladder. Avoid any spices that cause you discomfort.

§  Drink at least 8-10 eight ounce glasses of water a day to keep your system properly hydrated. Additionally, drink juices and teas freely, but avoid coffee and alcohol as they put extra stress on your liver. When drinking juices, dilute them with water (mix half water, half juice), as they have a high natural sugar content.

§  Incorporate beets and artichokes into your diet liberally. These foods help to nourish and strengthen your liver, the primary organ responsible for processing cholesterol.
§  Read food container labels to avoid “hidden” fats, sugars, and chemicals.

Gallstones are masses made mainly of cholesterol that form in the gallbladder. The gallbladder is responsible for storing bile, which is created in the liver and used to digest fats. If the proportion of cholesterol, bile acids, lecithin, and water in the bile changes, a gallstone can form. Gallstones are caused by improper metabolism in the liver, particularly by excess cholesterol and/or a deficiency in bile acids and lecithin. Such an imbalance is often due to a high-fat, high-sugar, low-fiber diet. Constipation and excess weight (both also linked to such a diet) also predispose a person for gallstones. Food allergies may also contribute to the formation of gallstones in some cases. Many people who have gallstones are not even aware of them, although gallstones may produce pain in the upper right abdomen, as well as nausea and vomiting.

Gallstone formation, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), is dependent on the function of the Liver. Excess cholesterol is produced by the liver in relation to the quantity of bile acids due to a Liver Qi stagnation. Liver Qi stagnation refers to an impaired circulation of energy within the Liver, leading to congestion. When Liver Qi stagnates and insufficient amounts of bile are secreted, this leads to Damp-Heat in the gallbladder. This triggers the formation of stones, usually from excess cholesterol in the bile.

Liver Qi is stagnated by diet, repressed emotions, overwork, or excessive sexual activities. Anger, resentment, frustration, and hatred can all cause Liver Qi stagnation, especially when they are repressed and not acknowledged or expressed. Refer to Dr. Sarno’s book Mindbody Prescription for how to resolve repressed emotions.

Doctors of Natural Medicine recommend herbs and supplements such as milk thistle and phosphatidylcholine (a lecithin extract), which improve liver function and protect against the development of gallstones. A high-fiber, low-fat diet is also recommended.


Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum)
Action: Supports liver functions. Milk thistle contains liver-protective flavonoids known as silymarin. Clinical trials show that they protect the liver and counteract the toxic effects of a wide variety of poisons. Silymarin also has antioxidant activity and helps to protect against depletion of antioxidant glutathione in liver cells. Supports liver functions of clearing metabolic toxins, inhibits leukotriene formation, and stimulates protein synthesis. 1,2 Milk thistle may also be helpful in keeping stones from getting larger and in keeping new gallstones from forming. One study showed that milk thistle reduced cholesterol levels within bile, which is partly how gallstones are believed to be formed. 

Dosage: 400 to 500 milligrams of standardized extract in divided doses daily. The extract should be standardized to 70 to 80% silymarin content. Continue for 8 weeks and reduce the dosage to 280 to 300 milligrams of silymarin.

There are many Chinese herb formulas that address gallstones; however the various signs and symptoms of the patient must be carefully considered before recommending a formula.


Action: An essential nutrient that is required for proper liver function. In the so-called lipotropic effect, it is used to move fat from the liver. Used extensively by German doctors to treat liver disorders. 4
Dosage: 1,500 milligrams daily in divided doses.

Flaxseed Oil
Action: Provides essential fatty acids, which are needed for many bodily functions including cellular repair and the formation and viscosity of bodily fluids.
Dosage: 1 to 2 tablespoons daily.

Multiple Vitamin and Mineral Formula
Action: Many vitamins and minerals contribute to the proper function of the liver and protect against the formation of gallstones. A multiple vitamin and mineral formula will also help prevent nutrient imbalances that can result from taking high doses of any one vitamin or mineral that is needed for a health condition.
Dosage: As directed by manufacturers. Select a formula according to age and gender. See information on this topic at multiple vitamin and mineral formulas.

Dietary Considerations
Eat a high-fiber, low-fat, low-sugar diet with many fresh fruits and vegetables. When gallstones are present, eat olive oil, apple juice, beet juice, grapefruit juice, and carrot juice. To prevent or treat gallstones, avoid meat, eggs, dairy products, hydrogenated fats, nuts and nut butters, sugar, alcohol, and refined foods.
Lifestyle Considerations

For severe attacks of pain, try a castor oil compress over the liver/gallbladder region. A coffee enema may also be used for severe attacks. Brew a cup of strong, caffeinated coffee and dilute to a pint or more, retaining for 20 to 30 minutes. Notify your doctor if you perform this enema. 

Precautions and Adverse Effects
Planetary Formulas: No reported side effects.
Milk Thistle: Very safe. May cause mild, temporary diarrhea.

Phosphatidylcholine: High doses may cause abdominal bloating, gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea, nausea, and reduced appetite. Should not be taken by people with unipolar or clinical depression since phosphatidylcholine may increase depression in some cases.

Flaxseed Oil: Safe if taken as recommended. Only use a high-quality, organic oil that has not been exposed to light, heat, or oxygen, which alter and damage the oil. Regularly using a damaged oil can result in cellular damage and serious health conditions.

Tips for Cleaning Your Dentures

Tips for Cleaning Your Dentures with Common Household Products
Do you wear dentures? If you do, you probably spend a lot of time cleaning them. False teeth can beautify your mouth and keep it that way as long as you take care of them. However, there aren't a lot of options for keeping them fresh and sanitized.
Most denture wearers know about Polident, but that's where the buck stops. So below are some home-spun remedies to help with dirty, broken and dull dentures. You'll find them easy to do and less expensive than most store-brought cures.
Arm & Hammer Baking Soda. This product is a popular way to clean and deodorize dirty dentures. Coat your denture brush with this product and go to work on your dentures. The natural abrasive in this product will easily clean off food particles.
Clorox Bleach. You can whiten up yellow teeth with bleach. Mix one teaspoon of Clorox with a glass of cold water. Soak your dentures for ten minutes and then brush as usual.
L'eggs Sheer Energy Panty Hose. Are your dentures looking a little dull? You can polish them up with a pair of panty hose. The nylon is a mild abrasive. As a result, you can cut off a piece from a clean pair and rub it against your teeth without damaging them.
Krazy Glue. If you loose a tooth on your dentures, a quick fix is to re-apply it with Krazy Glue. Make sure you dry it off first (along with your denture) and hold it into place until it sticks. Afterwards, contact your dentist for a permanent fix.
Heinz White Vinegar. Plaque and other germs can build up on dentures. So, you need to sanitize them on a regular basis. You can do it with vinegar. Vinegar kills bacteria. With this in mind, about once a week, soak your dentures in Heinz White Vinegar over night. Then brush away tartar, plaque and any other build up the next morning with toothpaste.
Ziploc Storage Bags. Have you lost your denture case? If so, replace it temporarily with a Ziploc Storage Bag. All you need to do is unseal a bag and drop your dentures inside it.
WD-40. Is an icky piece of gum stuck on your dentures? Get it off with a little WD-40. Spray it over the gum and it'll slide right off. Afterwards, brush your dentures thoroughly with toothpaste and rinse in order to get rid of the WD-40 residue. (Extra tip: You can get the same results with Peanut Butter. The natural oils in it will loosen up your gum.)
Morton Salt. If you suffer from sore gums due to denture wear, you can soothe them with a little salt. How? Dissolve one teaspoon of Morton's Salt into a glass of warm water and swish the solution around your mouth. Do it for at least one minute.
Did you know?
The Etruscans, people living in the region of Tuscany, Italy during 800 B.C.E., invented dentures by carving individual teeth from ivory, molding bridgework from gold and extracting teeth from the dead.

Friday, 7 June 2013

Do Flowers Heal

Do Flowers Heal you?

Do flowers have the power to heal your mind, body and soul? Yes, they do and this is the topic we are going to discuss in this post. If you are feeling rather low and depressed why not venture out and smell the pretty flowers? They work magic and lift up your spirit.

The great English bacteriologist, pathologist and homeopath believed that dew found on flower petals had healing properties. Researchers at the Harvard University found participants of a behavioral study who felt least positive in the early hours of the day reported being happier and more energetic after looking up at flowers first thing in the morning.

Flowers and more so the floral scents trigger happy emotions, reduces anxiety, increases feelings of compassion and satisfaction, boosts energy levels and affects social behavior in a positive manner. According to Science Daily floral scents begin as oils that are produced by the petals in most plants. These oils evaporate easily in warm weather and so are called as volatile compounds. 

Some flowers were used for medicinal purposes since early times. Foxglove was used as a treatment for cardiovascular diseases. The ancient Greeks used lily of valley for heart conditions and dropsy. Dried lavender is used to aid sleep. A drug obtained from lavender aids digestion, relieves flatulence and acts as antiseptic.

Hibiscus is generally good for the heart. White lotus increases sperm count. In India neem flower is used for de-worming.  Jasmine is considered good for the nerves. Pink rose acts as a good mouth cleanser and when mixed with honey it helps to purify blood.

Flowers are not only objects of beauty. The flowers as well as the floral scents lift your spirit and heal your mind, body and soul. Just place a bouquet of flowers in your kitchen or living room or in the place you spend most of your time and see the magic it creates in your life.

Bad breath (Halitosis)

Bad breath (Halitosis)
bad; breath; halitosis; tooth; teeth; tongue; caries; gingivitis;
The society and family mostly one or  more persons has bad breath in Indian and abroad. Have you ever been talking to someone and had to turn away because their breath smelt really bad? Has anyone done that to you?

Most healthy people have unpleasant smelling breath sometimes, especially when they wake up, but only a few people have bad breath (halitosis) most of the time. If people have really bad breath it can have a big effect on their social life and what other people think about them, but many people worry unnecessarily about their breath.
Many things can cause bad breath, including: 
  • Poor oral hygiene (not brushing and flossing properly) 
  • Gum disease 
  • Eating certain foods like onions or garlic 
  • Tobacco and alcohol products 
  • Dry mouth (caused by certain medications, medical disorders and by decreased saliva flow during sleep hence the term "morning breath") 
  • Systemic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, liver and kidney disorders. 
Causes of bad breath
·         The usual cause of bad breath is sulphur compounds made by bacteria when they break down the remains of food in the mouth.
o    Most people have large numbers of bacteria in their mouth, and they have even more if they have dental plaque because they have not cleaned their teeth well enough. These bacteria usually do not cause infections or illness.
o    Bacteria can also form a white, grey or yellowish coating on the tongue in some people.
o    Infections in the gums (gingivitis), tonsils, sinuses and nose mean there are even more bacteria to cause the bad smell.
o    Having a very dry mouth means that there is less saliva to wash away bacteria.
·         People who are on extreme diets (such as people on very high protein diets or who have anorexia nervosa) have bad breath. Some of the popular low carbohydrate, high protein diets cause bad breath in almost everyone who follows them.
·         Some foods, such as garlic, onions and curry will cause a change in the smell of your breath for a short time.
·         Smokers have unpleasant smelling breath.
·         People who need to breathe through their mouth most of the time (perhaps due to sinusitis) will have a dry mouth, and may have bad breath.
·         Some medicines can cause bad breath.
·         Some health problems, such as liver disease, kidney disease, lung diseases and diabetes can change the smell of breath.
Signs of bad breath
·         It is not really possible to smell your own breath, not even by breathing into your cupped hands, so you need to listen to what other people say about your breath.
·         Some people say they have an unpleasant, metallic taste when they have bad breath.
·         Some people with bad breath have a white or grayish coating on their tongue. Not everyone with this coating has bad breath.
Remember that most people have 'bad breath' when they wake up, so don't worry about that. A drink of water will help clean your mouth.

What to do if you have bad breath
·         Make sure that you clean your teeth well. Use fluoride toothpaste and a soft toothbrush to clean your teeth twice a day. You could brush your tongue at the same time.
·         Floss between your teeth (get your dentist or dental therapist for knowing how you to do this-Floss).
·         Avoid foods that are sticky and high in sugars. Bacteria love sugary food that sticks to your teeth.
·         You have a drink of water after eating, and whenever your mouth feels dry.
·         Mouth washes and breath fresheners can hide bad breath for a little while, but they don't get to the cause of the problem and their effects do not last. They are also rather expensive.
·         Kick the habit of smoker, Smelling like a dead ashtray can be rather off-putting.
See your dentist or dental therapist
·         Your dentist or dental therapist will be able to check the health of your mouth and teeth, and give you advice about dental hygiene and any treatment you might need.
See your doctor
·         Since there are several health problems that can cause bad breath, have a talk to your doctor too if you are worried by bad breath.
Best precautions for Bad Breath
Take these precautions first:

Proper cleaning or brushing of the teeth in the morning and at bedtime

* Clear saliva and nasal secretion often and avoid accumulations

* Hawk to clear the throat often, if there is throat infection or secretions

* Dental check-ups for filling pockets or erosions if any, or to rule out any other dental or   
   gum problem

* Clean the tongue properly with tongue scraper if there is coating

* Drink plenty of water or drinks to maintain good body hydration. Also take plenty of
   water after every meal to wash away the presence of food particles in the mouth or
   throat or oesophagus

* Clean dentures (if any) properly with antiseptic solutions


Stimulants such as alcohol, cigarettes and chewing tobacco

* Dairy products

* Onions and garlic

* Sweets or chocolates 

* Endoscopy for the sinuses

* CT scan to rule out nasal obstruction, lung disorders, etc.

* Blood investigations to rule out diabetes, infection, allergies, metabolic disorders

* Urine investigations to rule out diabetes, ketone bodies and metabolic disorders 

Homeopathic approach to Bad Breath (halitosis)

Homeopathic approach to halitosis - Everyone can notice that use of mouth freshener works only for the time being. Removing the actual cause or disease can only help in the long run. Treatment will be successful only when we find and remove the actual cause and treat the condition i.e. treat infection, sinusitis, lung infection, post-nasal drip, chronic bronchitis, etc.

Regarding treatment of halitosis in Homeopathy, there are different types of odours which mimic fermented beer, brandy, cabbage, cheese, chicken dung, putrid, fish brine, garlic, sulphur, tobaccos, cadaver, earth, rotten eggs, sour taste, sole leather, garlic, metallic, musty, onions, etc., i.e., odour differs from person to person depending upon the bacteria. Likewise, prescription also differs in Homeopathy from person to person. So, each patient is treated separately i.e., individually.

Homeopathic medicines can act as mouth wash, can remove the disease completely, and can act neurologically and stimulate the body for quality normal secretions. Treatment should be given for the complaints like recurrent cold, sinusitis, dental problems, gingivitis, stomatitis, indigestion, etc. Evidence shows that the messenger for wellness - Homeopathy - has gained in importance in the tide of health fortunes and has made the world turn towards it with its fragrance of cure.

Homeopathic medicines commonly used in the case of offensive breath are - Asafoetida, Baptisia, Baryta mur, Benzoic acid, Bromium, Calc carb, carbolic acid, Carbo animalis, Carbo veg, Crot - hor, Graphites, Hepa sulf, Kali sulp, Merc sol, Nat sulp, Nit acid, Opium, Plantago, Psorinum, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox, Sepia, Silicea, Staphysagria, Sulphur, Tarentula, Tellurium, Thuja, Tuberculinum etc.

Important Medicine  of Bad Breath in Homeopathy 

Arnica 30: Bad breath, associated with a sore, beaten-up feeling in the whole body. These symptoms require the medicine Arnica 30.

Aurum met 30: The medicine named Aurum met 30 works in the following symptoms. Foul breath, especially in old persons or adolescent girls, with restlessness and very sad nature.

Merc sol 30: Foul breath with bitter or metallic taste in the mouth, excessive salivation and intense thirst for large quantities of cold water. The tongue is thick and shows imprint of teeth. Nervous trembling and profuse, offensive perspiration are other pointers to this remedy. If all these symptoms are present in one person then intake of the medicine named Merc sol is mandatory.

Nitric acid 30: The symptoms that affirm the use of the medicine named Nitric acid can be mentioned as foul breath associated with spongy, bleeding gums and loose teeth. The tongue is clean and red. Nervousness, general weakness, strong-smelling urine and dry, cracked skin are other pointers to this medicine.

Nux vom. 30: Foul breath with swollen gums, ulcerated lips or tongue and sour taste in the mouth. An over-sensitive nature, frequent ineffectual desire for stools and a tendency to catch colds are other indications of this medicine. The medicine named Nux Vomica should be taken in all the above-mentioned symptoms.

Puls 30: If the person is suffering from foul breath with dry tongue and sweetish taste in the mouth, the person should immediately start taking the medicine named Puls 30. Thirstlessness and a weeping nature are other pointers to this remedy.

Treatment: For temporary relief, any one can use 

* Cleanser, paste, mouthwash, mouth freshener or deodorant, gargles, tongue cleaner or wiper, etc.

* Chewing gum which influences secretion of saliva

* Cloves, cardamom, camphor, nutmeg, green pudhina leaves or guava leaves or betel leaves for masking the foul odour 

Sometimes even doctors do give the same advice, but mouthwashes and deodorants are generally cosmetic and do not have a long-lasting effect on bad breath. Antibacterial and antiseptic preparations act for some more time than maskers like deodorants or chewing gums. Antibiotic treatment also will work for the time being only.

Dengue Fever

Echinacea angustifolia in Dengue Fever

Acon., Ars., Bell., Bry., Chin., Coloc., EUP-PER., Ferr., Ham., Ip., Merc., Nux-v., Podo., Rhus-tox., Sec., Sul-ac.

I hope to prevent and treat Dengue Fever,  Arsenicum album, Belladonna atropa and China officinalis are important remedies. Ferrum metallicum, Ipecacuanha, Secale cornatum and Hamamelis virginicus, Phosphorus and Crotalus horridus are useful for Haemorrhagic Dengue fever.

Echinacea angustifolia is not in the Dengue fever rubric! It is a fever remedy and treats Malaria as recorded in the Lotus Materia Medica. The Boericke Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica records the following symptoms: great debility, tired feeling and aching in limbs.

Echinacea not only increases blood cell production but can decrease the production when it has been higher than optimum levels. This confirms the dynamic and systemic nature of the remedy’s action on the vital force – the ability to regulate cell production as the situation demands.

 As Dengue treatment, I advise and prescribe Echinacea 200 twelve doses over twelve hours and blood counts show a favourable response – it works quickly which is vital in any acute disease and more importantly stimulates the accurate immune response. When the immune function is restored, the fever as well as HCT/PCV is regulated and the infection does not overwhelm the patient.

According to the article ‘Echinacea’, in the herbal form it:
 Promotes Macrophage activity
 Stimulates T-cell production
 Stimulates Interferon production
 Increases Phagocytosis

The best method of prevention is avoiding mosquito bites and eliminating breeding sites, but this is not always possible. Stagnant water and garbage provide rich breeding ground for the mosquitoes in close proximity to homes, and schools, and government resources cannot cope with eradicating this menace completely without the concerted help of the public. The changeable weather patterns may also contribute to the unpredictable incidence of Dengue. It is sobering to think of repeated attacks of this disease in a person’s lifetime and that the virus can mutate.

Constitutional remedies and Echinacea to support the immune function are prescribed during peak seasons and offer effective protection – with emphasis on a diet rich in antioxidants and adequate hydration. As preventive medicine I usually prescribe Echinacea angustifolia 30c one pill daily for two weeks when Dengue is imminent. It has been six years since that epidemic and Echinacea has become a familiar and dear remedy to my patients, family and friends and indeed to me!
Diseases such as Dengue are physically debilitating, have a long recovery phase, can be lethal and result in a lot of anxiety and depression. In 2011 approximately 28,000 cases were reported (55.9 percent of cases from the Western Province) and nearly 2,000 people died in all world. Homeopathy has the potential do so much more in improving these mortality rates and incidence of the disease.