Eyes are the doorway to one’s soul! Eyes
reflect mind, eyes reflect psyche, and eyes reflect HEALTH! No wonder homoeopathy that caters effectively
the ‘mind’ of an individual has lot to offer in problems of eyes. Eye is
certainly one of the most delicate organs of the body and therefore, caring for
eyes has to be done by an expert homeopath. A homeopath might want to consult
an ophthalmologist to rule out certain critical eye problems before proceeding
for the treatment. But here one should remember that while treating
homeopathically, we should not give much importance to the diagnostic name of
the eye problem but its signs and symptoms that point us to the accurate
There are hoards of homoeopathic medicines useful in the treatment
of various eye problems. However, one must remember that for constitutional eye
problems like cataract, glaucoma, recurrent blepharitis or conjunctivitis,
corneal opacities, and/or recurrent styes, one must go for constitutional
prescribing after carefully considering the physical, mental, and emotional
characteristic of the individual; then only it is possible to impart perfect
cure! But one must be acquainted with certain remedies that specifically render
beautiful results in varied eye problems so that they can be used for acute
prescribing as well.
Here is the list of top 10 homeopathic
remedies for eye problems—
(1) Euphrasia-
- Acute catarrhal
- Eyes water all the time
with inclination to blink frequently
- Acrid burning eye
discharge that corrodes the margins of the lids
- Corneal opacities with
thick discharges that burn
- Blistery cornea
- One of the great remedies
for rheumatic iritis that may be associated with partial ptosis
- Almost always associated
with bland and watery coryza
- Swelling of the lids with
burning, which feels better when in open air
- Worse in the evening,
indoors, light, warmth
- Better open air, coffee,
- Must be compared with
Allium cepa while dealing with allergic rhinitis associated with
conjunctivitis. In Allium cepa, eye discharges are bland and coryza is acrid.
(2) Ambrosia-
- Allergic eye problems
- Intolerable itching of
- Smarting and burning in
eyes with watery coryza and nosebleed
- Wheezy cough almost
always present with eye problems
- Compare with Sabadilla,
(3) Ruta-
- Eye-strain headaches
- Red hot eyes with pain in
- Especially associated
with sewing or reading fine print
- Accommodation of vision
- Weariness in eyes with
- Excessive lassitude
associated with eye troubles
- Bruised, pressure feeling
over the eyes
- Compare with Natrum mur,
Argentum nitricum
(4) Pulsatilla-
- Pulsatilla is one of the
most invaluable homeopathic medicines for eye troubles.
- Bland thick greenish eye
discharges call for it
- Associated with itching
and burning sensation
- Recurrent styes
invariably need a dose of Pulsatilla during the course
- Inflamed agglutinated
- Sub-acute eye complaints
in venous constitutions
- Sub-acute conjunctivitis
associated with dyspepsia
- Veins of fundus oculi
- All complaints are worse
in warm room and better when in open air
(5) Spigelia-
- Neuralgic eye pains
- Pressing pains in eyes on
turning them
- Extreme photophobia
- Rheumatic ophthalmia
- Pains in and around eyes
feel as if extending deep into the socket
- Eyes feel too large
- Very sensitive to touch
- Worse from touch, jar,
- Better by lying with head
(6) Apis mellifica-
- Swollen, edematous lids
that burn and itch
- Bright red puffy
- Prevents recurrence of
- Pain around orbits with
serous exudates
- Swelling below the lower
lid (upper lid- Kali carb)
- May be associated with
urinary problem
- Worse heat, touch,
pressure, right side
- Better cold washing, open
(7) Merc sol-
- Syphilitic eye troubles
- Thick, red, swollen lids
- Profuse burning acrid eye
- Floaters
- Eye trouble that starts
after exposure to the glare of fire etc
- Iritis with thick
corroding discharges
- Extremely offensive eye
- Boils in and around eyes
with yellow fetid pus
- Worse at night, wet damp
weather, warmth
(8) Silicea-
- Day-light produces sharp
pains through the eyes
- Tenderness of eyes worse
when closed or pressured
- Suppuration in the
anterior chamber of the eye, iritis
- Confused sort of vision
where letter run together while reading
- Lachrymal duct affections
- Has potential to clear
corneal opacities when homeopathically indicated
- Cataract in office
- Worse new moon, cold
- Better warmth
(9) Hepar sulph-
- Corneal ulcers
- Suppurative eye troubles,
iritis with pus in anterior chamber
- Conjunctivitis with
purulent discharges
- Red and inflamed lids and
- Pain in orbits
- Soreness is marked in
- Objects appear red and
- Half-reduced field of
- Styes with pain and
- Worse exposure to draft
of cold, touch
- Better warmth, wrapping
up head
(10) Agaricus Muscaricus-
- Double-vision with
flickering before the eyes
- Twitching of lids and
- Neuralgic eye pains
- Letters seem to move or
swim while reading
- Agglutinated margins of
lids with burning pains with red inner canthi
- Eye troubles associated
with vertigo and icy cold head
- Worse open cold air