Sunday, 29 July 2012


Ankle Problems
Ankle has been injured, is causing severe pain, and cannot be moved, give Arnica 200 every 5 minutes until help arrives; likely cause pain and swelling, but usually the ankle remains mobile. Tissues around ankle joint remain prone to swelling for several months after such injuries.

Other conditions affecting the ankles and requiring prompt treatment complete rupture of Achilles tendon, causing pain and inflammation, swelling of one ankle and tenderness in corresponding calf. Fever, and redness and swelling which affect other joints too and infective arthritis (fever, and redness and swelling of one ankle only)

Chronic conditions sometimes accompanied by ankle problems are Rheumatoid arthritis & ostioartharities (ankles red, hot, swollen, and painful), puffy ankles, (ankles swollen, breathlessness, wheezing, tiredness), swollen veins in legs, feet and ankles swell after standing for short time. Hot weather can also cause ankles to swell and shoes to feel tight; in some women swollen ankles are a side effect of oral contraceptives.

See conditions mentioned above for homeopathic remedies; if none seems suitable, choose one of the remedies in the Remedies / self help section. If cause of ankle pain cannot be pinpointed, constitutional treatment should be considered.

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