Diseases of woman and astrology pointers.

Ascendent--- General body and vitality
6th house- diseases
Jupiter- Tumors and liver.
Rahu- infectious diseases, undignostic diseases,poision ,phobias and mental disorders.
Mars-- Bleeding,abortion and miscarriage ,surgeries,hemorrhoids, diseases of the uterus
Saturn: obstruction, acid, chronic, incurable diseases, glands, depression, injuries after the fall, the various forms of cancer tumors.
Zodiac sign cancer and its lord -- Moon- Menstrual disorders,diseases of the uterus and hormonal problems ,asthma,breast,cancer,organs of reproduction,anemia and nervous system,glands and blood.
Saturn in Scorpio ·, placed eighth in house of genital diseases causes trouble throughout the life.
Venus-- indication of the uterus and ovaries, inflammation of the uterus and ovaries, ovarian diseases, venereal complaints, typhoid,reproductive organs, diabetes, hormonal disorders of reproductive organs, venereal diseases of the internal generative organs, causing discomfort caused by excessive sexual pleasure.
Ketu- accidents,injuries,fevers and unknown diseases.
Malefic · With lords of houses 6 and 8, guarantees the presence of venereal disease or other disorders of the reproductive system
Mars in the sixth house is a symptom of genital disease (bleeding and inflammation)
your ascendant/6th, in conjunction with Mercury and Rahu is a reliable indicator of women's disorders
Venus in 6th/8th/12th indicates the abnormality of female genital
Saturn in Scorpio ·, placed eighth in house of genital diseases causes trouble throughout the life.
Blocked Fallopian tubes.
Venus / Moon affected Saturn / Rahu is blocked fallopian tubes.
7th/8th · afflicted by Saturn and Rahu is blocked fallopian tubes
Uterus disorders
Eighth lord / house / debilited / set / Hammed between evil / bad aspect of the joint and identify the uterus problems
Eighth lord in 6th/12 eighth place in the house and aspect of Saturnand Rahu indicate uterine cancer
sixth lord in 8th/12 and aspect of Saturn and Rahu indicate uterine cancer
· Moon / 8 house affected by the Scorpio Ketu indicates uterine disease
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