Procedure to Melt/Dissolve Kidney Stones
Are you seeking an herbal
procedure to help dissolve kidney stones?
Due to terrible modern day diets and lifestyles, incidences of kidney stones are on the rise. And a kidney stone attack is so painful, it has even been
described by some women as being worse than childbirth.
A note about Procedure
to Dissolve Kidney Stones
In natural health and healing, we
believe in holistic health
and healing, as we realize that different parts of the human body are highly
interlinked, often beyond Man's understanding. We also believe that the body has the ability to
heal itself of any disease, even supposedly incurable diseases.
In order to do so, the body needs
the support of some basic
dietary and lifestyle good health habits, such as a full body detox and a proper understanding and application
of nutrition. No matter how remote or unrelated a health condition may seem,
these fundamental health steps will greatly magnify the effects and benefits of
any of our health-promoting efforts, including the use of specific natural health remedies.
than invasive procedures, conventional medicine has little offer in terms of a kidney stone cure. The herbal, natural remedy for kidney stones next described on this page has been
used by top natural healers to help dissolve and flush out even the worst of kidney
stones. It will also help to soothe and heal inflamed tissues in the kidney and
bladder tracts.
An Herb Cocktail For
Dissolving Kidney Stones
This formula must be used in
conjunction with effective kidney cleansing routines and useful kidney herbs. As with
all herbs, it is key to use organically grown or wild crafted herbs. These
herbs have worked to help dissolve kidney
stones for tens of thousands of
people, but they will only work when used properly.
To make the cocktail to help
dissolve kidney stones, you will
- 2 ounces of hydrangea root
- 2 ounces of gravel root
- 1 ounce of marshmallow root
- 2 quarts of fresh squeezed apple juice
Make sure the herbs are finely
cut or powdered. Divide the apple juice into two separate quarts. Add half of
the mixture of herbs to each. Let this soak overnight. In the morning, bring
the juice, along with the herb to a boil, and simmer this for 15 minutes. Once
the juice is cool, strain the herbs out.
Start drinking the first quart at
a rate of 2 ounces per hour. To help flush and dissolve kidney stones, you must also drink at
least an additional 32 ounces of distilled water with this mixture throughout
the day. Do not drink much more than 1 quart of water through this day. Store
the other quart in a cool, dry place out of the light, and keep it sealed.
On the following day, start
drinking the second quart at a rate of 1 ounce per waking hour. You will drink
this over a period of two days. On these two days, you should drink an
additional 32 ounces of water, and 32 ounces of fresh juice throughout the day.
Again, this additional liquid will help to dissolve kidney stones and flush kidney stones out of your body.
On the fourth day, after all of
the mixture is consumed, you need to do a juice fast where you consume 64
ounces of distilled water, and 64 ounces of fresh juices throughout the day.
During this 4 day process, you
should be eating only vegetarian foods. Raw is better, and juice fasting is ideal.
Avoid any alcohol, soda, coffee, milk, or any teas except for kidney cleansing
teas. You can drink up to an additional 6 cups of kidney cleansing tea.
Usually, this will eliminate all
of the stones the first time, especially if you are using it in addition to the
kidney flushing routine given next in this article. Many smaller stones will
dissolve easier than a few large ones, just as with any substance that is being
dissolved. So, if you have large stones, you can repeat this as many times as
is necessary, with one 4-day cycle being done per week.
Kidney Flushing Routine to
Help Dissolve Kidney Stones
For best results, do this routine
every day for at least 5 days. It can be easily continued for several weeks if
needed. During this routine, you will get the best results if you limit or
eliminate all
animal based foods,
refined sugars, and any other junk foods. A diet high in raw fruits,
vegetables, and juices is ideal. Juice fasting for several days will further
boost your efforts to dissolve kidney stones. This routine is extremely
powerful when used correctly, and especially when used in conjunction with healthy lifestyle and diet changes.
Each morning, make a drink using
the following:
- Fresh squeezed juice of one lemon and
one lime
- 16 to 32 ounces of distilled or reverse osmosis
- A pinch of cayenne pepper, or a dropper full
of cayenne tincture
- Maple syrup to taste (optional)
minutes after drinking this, consume 2 cups of a strong kidney cleansing tea.
Use herbs which
are good for cleaning the kidneys, or use a pre-made tea such as
the one from Dr Richard Schulze's American Botanical Pharmacy. For further
potency, add a couple of dropper full of kidney cleansing tincture to the tea.
Drink an additional two cups of tea in the afternoon, and an additional two
cups in the evening.
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