Sunday, 23 September 2012

Home Remedy for Kidney Stones

Home Remedy for Kidney Stones - Useful Herbs For Kidney Flushing And Detoxification

Herbs form an integral part of an home remedy for kidney stones. The following herbs are most effective when they are combined and used together. The dried herbs can be used to make a tea, and a tincture of these herbs can also be used. Ideally, both forms of herbal remedies for kidney stones should be used. One of the best places to buy kidney cleansing teas and tinctures is from Dr Schulze's American Botanical Pharmacy.
It is important that you use only organically grown or wild-crafted herbs. Do not use commercially produced herbs, especially when you are suffering from kidney stones. These herbs are powerful enough to dissolve any kidney stones, but only if the quality of the herbs are good, and if the formulas are used properly in sufficient dosages. A tincture or tea can be made by combining equal parts of any of these herbs you can get your hands on.
Juniper Berries
Juniper berries stimulate the kidneys, and destroy bacteria in the kidneys, bladder, and bile ducts. Any person who has built up waste, crystallization, and stones in their kidneys will also have bacteria, and possibly pus. Juniper berries are a must for any effective kidney cleansing routine or natural remedy for kidney stones.
Uva Ursi
Uva ursi is one of the top herbs for stimulating and detoxifying the kidneys. The parts used are the leaves. This herb is another staple for any kidney cleansing formula or herbal home remedy for kidney stones.
Dandelion Leaf
As with many of the most effective herbs, dandelion is a common weed in many parts of the world. Its leaves are great for stimulating the kidneys. Use the leaves at their peak growth, because this is when most of the phytochemicals are in them. Definitely avoid using any dandelion from your lawn if you use any sort of chemicals, and definitely avoid using plants that grow near the roads.
Cornsilk, Horsetail, and Parsley Root and Leaf
These herbs are also powerful kidney simulators and detoxifiers. Use as many of these herbs as you can get your hands on for your home remedy for kidney stones. It is important to only use corn silk from organically grown corn, as corn is one of the most heavily sprayed crops. The same applies for parsley

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