Wednesday, 22 August 2012

Prevent Heart attack

Adonis vernalis 
A Heart Remedy

Adonis vernalis is a homoeopathic remedy which acts distinctively on the heart. Dr. Jus writes in his book “Praktische Materia Medica”: “This remedy is a heart tonic … it regulates the pulse and increases the cardiac contractility.”Our knowledge about Adonis is based on clinical experience. There has been no HP of its use in potencies.( Amylenum nitrosum,is also another best heart remedy)

Adonis vernalis, the plant
Common names: Pheasant’s Eye, Sweet vernal, False Hellebore.

The plant got its name from a Greek legend (Ovid’s Metamorphoses)
Adonis, lover of the goddess Aphrodite was killed by jealous Ares, who had transformed himself into a wild boar. Where Aphrodite’s tears, mixed with Adonis’ blood touched the soil, the flower grew.“vernalis” translates “spring” and relates to the flower’s blooming season.

Botanical description and distribution

Adonis vernalis is part of the Ranunculaceae family. It is a perennial herb growing 10-30cm high. The strong rhizome produces fertile and sterile shoots; the erect stem has sessile, feathery leaves and solitary flowers of 10-20 elongated petals.

Adonis vernalis flowers from March to May, the yellow flower faces the sun; forming a yellow disc visible from afar. Adonis vernalis is an endangered species and protected by law. Isolated populations can be found in Switzerland, France and Germany; the original area of distribution is the steppe-grassland of southern Russia, north of the Black Sea.

History and Generalities

Hieronymus Bock (1498-1554)3 discovered the plant near Ingelheim (Germany) believing to have found the true Hellebore of Hippocrates and had it published under that name. The error was noticed soon and Matthiolus (1501-1596)3 listed the plant as pseudo-Hellebore.

Adonis was used for dropsy and got and as an abortive medicine.At the end of the 19th century Adonis vernalis was introduced as a heart remedy. The action of Adonis is similar to that of Digitalis, but it is not cumulative. It has been successfully prescribed for high blood pressure, arrhythmia, palpitations,vertigo, angina pectoris, and oedema; also for hypertrophy and heart degeneration. It was used for obesity, liver affections (swelling, jaundice and cirrhosis),
constipation, excessive salivation, spermatorrhoea, swelling of the prostate and flickering vision after masturbation and spermatorrhoea.

Pharmacology and chemical constituents

The whole plant contains cardiac glycosides:

Adonidosine, Adonitoxine , Adonivernoside, which are toxic in large dosages. The remedy is used for weak cardiac action, esp. when associated with nervous symptoms; it is able to compensate arrhythmia and circulatory failure.

Diuresis is increased by its action on heart as well as kidneys. Adonis is valuable in nervous heart disease and hyperthyroidism; slowing the pulse in tachycardia. Febrile infections with tachycardia are also positively affected. Beside its sedating effects on heart and circulation it slows down the pulse and acts calming on the fear and restlessness which accompany the heart disease. This had led to its usage in epilepsy, chorea minor and whooping cough.

Toxic doses cause constriction of the peripheral arterial system, increasing the blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, nervous excitement, vomiting, stomach pains and diarrhea. Contra-indications are a simultaneous digitalis medication and a low blood level of Potassium

Use in herbal medicine

The dried plant is still sometimes component of herbal infusions for heart and circulation; it is further prescribed by physicians as a standardized medicine.

Adonis in homoeopathy

The tincture is prepared from the fresh plant (without roots), which has been harvested when flowering.
Until now there has been no Homoeopathic Proving of Adonis vernalis as a potentized remedy. It is used when the cardiac action is fat and weak; in dropsy; for scarce urination, affections of the heart valves and cardiac asthma. Boericke recommends it as a heart medicine; after rheumatism, influenza or Bright’s disease, where the muscles of the heart are in stage of fatty degeneration; it regulates the pulse and increases the power of contractions of the heart; increasing urinary secretion. Most valuable in cardiac dropsy. Low vitality, with weak heart and slow weak pulse, hydrothorax, ascites, anasarca.

Compare: Digitalis, Convallaria, Strophantus, Crataegus.7,12

Comparisons with heart remedies:-
In Homoeopathic medicines most of the symptoms are same type  and confusion may created during the priscription writing.In the following we compare some homoeopathic medicines with Adonis.
Convallaria majalis
Convallaria majalis is another heart remedy. It is used for dilation and hypertrophy of the heart; symptoms of heart failure of the left ventricle.
Adonis vernalis  And Convallaria

-Weakness, tiredness, apathy;
-Similar to Adonis
-Diuretic diuretic
-Heart tonic heart tonic
> outdoors < slightest motion
< morning when waking up

Adonis vernalis And  Crataegus
--Heart tonic heart tonic
-Reduces blood cholesterol,
-No cumulative or toxic action as of
-Digitalis. Indicated for low and high
-Blood pressure, slow progressing
-heart failure and hypertrophy of the heart.
-Tired, listless, discontent irritated, hopeless, despondent;
-Thinks he will never be cured.
-Tendency to collapse, confusion

Adonis vernalis And Crataegus

-Dyspnoea from slightest exertion
-Pressing pain in heart sensation as if heart was
-Constricted by an iron hand,
-Released and constricted again
-Stitching in chest, < deep breath stitching in heart with extreme dyspnoea
> outdoors, in the sun > quiet, outdoors, sitting in open air
< waking up in the morning < exertion, night, closed warm room

Adonis vernalis And Strophantus

-Apocyanaceae family
-Useful for functional heart affections of
-Alcoholics, smokers, tea drinking persons;
-Palpitations in young nervous people
-Dyspoea, cold hands and feet
-Stitching in chest < deep breathing stitching and twitching in apex of heart
-Constant strong nausea > fresh air,
-Pressure in region of stomach and liver eating little,
-Outdoors with eructations and hiccough <pressure,
< mental exertion after eating, > lying on back

Adonis vernalis And  Digitalis purpurea

--Extreme tiredness valuable in functional and organic heart
  apathy disease.
-Tiredness and warm feeling on chest Fits our present lifestyle.
-Lack of concentration Indicated for coronary diseases, dilatation
  makes mistakes in writing, or hypertrophy of the heart, valve
  says wrong name disorders, high blood pressure, thoughts wander  
  hypercholesterolemia, diabetes feels connected to nature
-Heartbeat is felt very well and sensation a if heart stopped beating if  
  he precisely moves. Must stay still or sit. Slow, weak, pressing pain
  in heart irregular pulse with extreme weakness

-Weakness in chest.
-Stitching in chest.
-Pressing, radiating feeling in chest.
> fresh air, walking outdoors, pressure > crying, deep breathing, alone, sitting > after eating still
< motion < lying down, lying on left side, motion,
after eating, music
< 3a.m.,4 a.m., morning when and < slightest motion and after eating
while waking up
< mental work, reading, full moon very sensitive to and < noise and music
< deep breathing

Comparison with other remedies:-

The same family plants are also have same symptom on proving. Someranunculus family drugs have the same type symptoms. Ranunculus and Pulsatilla are also part of the same botanical family.
They all have in common stitching pains in the region of the heart. Apart from these similarities they do have their individual symptoms.

Ranunculus bulbosus

. very chilly, very sensitive to cold wind
. remedy for alcoholics
. dull, teary
. < alone
. difficult concentration
. everything < walking in open air (Adonis is the opposite)
. stitching in left side of chest, more related to lungs, pleura or
  intercostal nerves
. pain more superficial than in Adonis
. pain < deep breathing (Adonis)
. pains > as soon as entering the house; > sitting stooped, company,
. < lying down, lying on the left side, when alone

. changing mood; sad-happy-soft-angry-talkative-quiet-laughing-crying
. > consolation
. > open air, moving in open air; but < directly in the sun
. pain and palpitation as a result of emotions or after dinner
. < lying on left side
. > walking, pressing with hand
. tired legs < standing, sitting with legs hanging down
. > putting legs up, outdoors, cold applications

Adonis vernalis treatment or Relationship ailments:  Adonidin is a cardiac tonic and diuretic. Quarter grain daily, or two to five grains of first decimal trit increases arterial pressure and prolongs the diastole, favoring emptying engorged veins. Is an excellent substitute for Digitalis and is not cumulative in action.
Adonis vernalis treatment for Compare ailments: Digit; Cratoeg; Conval; Strophanthus.
Adonis vernalis treatment for Dose ailments: Five to ten drops of the tincture.

1 comment:

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