Sunday, 19 August 2012

Leave smoking Habit through Homoeopathic medicines

Stop Smoking
This is actually a general problem of  society  and most of the adductors are eager to leave this habit but they are not courage to leave the smoking. I know many people have a resolution to quit smoking in the new year.  These homeopathic remedies may potentially help someone stop smoking.  I am going to go into some detail about the remedies to help people fight the addiction of cigarettes. 
The Homoeopathic medicines play an important role in the habit of smoking stop and without any harmful effect on body and routine life. These are some important medicine of homoeopathic which are used for above problem.

Tabacum:- This is basically homeopathic tobacco.  It helps with the cravings of tobacco since it is diluted with this same substance.( Used for nausea, vomiting, and motion sickness. This remedy also treats the sudden onset of excess salivation, pain, cold sweats, anxiety, and vertigo. Symptoms are worse with movement, and better after vomiting. Those who require this remedy may be forgetful, unhappy, and insomniacs} 
Caladium:- This is a homeopathic ingredient that favorably influences and modifies the craving for tobacco. It also influences and counters the symptoms of respiratory disturbances associated with smoking.(A homeopathic ingredient that favorably influences and modifies the craving for tobacco. It also influences and counters the symptoms of respiratory disturbances associated with smoking.)
Nux Vomica:- Helps smokers from becoming too irritable when trying to quit smoking.  This remedy also helps with throat issues associated with smoking.( Used for common cold, constipation, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, hemorrhoids, hangovers, gastroenteritis, headaches, menstrual cramps, larynx pain, runny nose, migraines, morning sickness, and labor pain. People who require this remedy may be sullen or irritable. Symptoms are often better with warmth, sleep, and in the evening, and worse in cold weather and from eating spicy foods)
Avina Sativa:- Helps maintain vitality, endurance and stamina.  Smokers lack these traits due to the tobacco affecting their lungs and health.  This remedy helps to restore these to a certain extent.( An herb that helps maintain vitality, endurance and stamina. When used as a homeopathic ingredient, it favorably influences nervous exhaustion, general nervous disability, insomnia and attention span)
Daphne:-  Helps with insomnia associated with trying to quit smoking.  It also helps with the tobacco cravings.
Plantigo:- Helps lessen the tobacco addiction.  This remedy makes your body feel disgusted with smoking the cigarette (A homeopathic ingredient that favorably influences teeth and gums that are sensitive to the touch, toothaches and swollen gums. It also is indicated for the symptomatic treatment of anxiety and restlessness associated with chronic use of nicotine).
Staphisgaria:- Basically helps with smoker's emotional problems.  Smokers may experience depression, violent outbursts, irritability, and suppressed emotions.  These type of emotions are common for people with addiction.  This homeopathic remedy helps lessen these emotions.( Used for neuralgia, teething problems, cystitis, inflamed eyelids, and headaches with pressure on forehead. It is also used for women who experience pain during sexual intercourse. Symptoms are often better with warmth and worse when emotions are suppressed. People who may need this remedy may have violent outbursts, suppressed emotions, irritability, and be easily fatigued)
  People may need a combination of these remedies to help stop smoking.  See a homeopathic doctor to see which remedies you may need.  If you cannot see or find a homeopathic doctor, take the single remedies that most closely resemble your symptoms.  Start with a 6X potency for any of these remedies

1 comment:

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