Monday, 20 August 2012

RENAL FAILURE & Homoeopathic Midicine

Early stage renal failure is a final common path way for a number of disease processes and associated with significant morbidity and mortality. In modern medicine approach kidney treatment like dialysis and kidney transplant is not rational approach but its temporary phase, not complete cure end stage renal failure or CRF (Chronic renal failure is the progressive loss of kidney function. The kidneys attempt to compensate for renal damage by excessive straining of the blood within the remaining functional filtering units that consist of a glomerulus and corresponding tubule over time, hyper filtration causes further loss of function)
In homeopathy medicine developed immunizations in damage nephrons in kidney, so kidney function is not damaged further and become strong, after homeopathy treatment decreased s.creatinin and BUN level day by day.
End stage of renal failure due to diabetes mellitus or Hypertension patient his S.creatinin level should 6 to 7. In this stage we can cure or re-establish kidney or renal functions. Patient under going heamodialysis and after kidney transplantation, homeopathy medicine work very well.
Patient had no blood pressure and no diabetes then his S.creatinie level is more then 6 in early stage homeopathy medicine reestablished Kidney functions very well.
There are not curative procedures for CRF but instead they keep a person alive by performing the crucial functions of the kidneys. Homeopathy stimulates one's immune system to perform normal functions in this way so that damaged kidneys start functioning normally.
Pre renal
Decreased blood flow is one cause of damage to the kidney. Acute renal failure may occur when there is extremely low blood pressure; the patient may suffer from trauma, septic shock, hemorrhage, severe vomiting, diarrhea, burns and associated dehydration or other severe or complicated illness.

Intra renal
Renal failure usually occurs as the internal structures of the kidney and is suddenly or slowly destroyed. It is a complex chronic failure commonly noticed with hypertension and diabetes damage the vascular walls. Smoking causes atherosclerotic changes of the arterial walls. Nephrotoxic drugs and metals.

Post renal
A simple mechanical or functional obstruction to the free flow of urine precludes, its excretion and renal failure occurs. It commonly happens with kidney stones, urethral stricture and prost. The symptoms are sudden in acute renal failure and gradual in chronic.
Sine and Symptoms:
Increased Blood pressure, Weight Loose, Proteins pass in urine, General weakness, swells round the eyes, Persistent fatigue and shortness of breath.  Loss of appetite and weight loss. Pale, dry and itchy skin. Muscular cramps and twitching. Headache, nausea, vomit andhiccups.

1. Early stage renal failure due to Diabetes and Hypertension patients who are suffering from Kidney disease they must take homeopathic treatment.
2. Healthy persons who have strong family history of renal failure should take classical homeopathic treatment to avoid the risk of renal failure.
3. Persons who are having symptoms of early renal failure of unknown etiology, then homeopathy medicine work very well.
4. Kidney patients of any stage should start homeopathic treatment earliest possible for avoiding passing into the complete renal.
5. Patients who are waiting for renal transplantation should start homeopathic treatment which can stop the urgent need of kidney donor.
6. Patients who are on dialysis can get rid of the frequent dialysis by taking classical homeopathic treatment.
Let us say it is never too late to start homeopathic treatment; all patients should start it as soon as they come to know about benefits of homeopathy.


1) In comparison to life long treatment in Allopath or conversional therapy. Homeopathic medicines can be stopped in 2 to 5 years depending on the severity and underlying causes of the disease.

2) Allopathic cannot repair damaged Kidney. Modern medicines try to facilitate the body's waste products to pass out by the process of dialysis through artificial means or by a kidney , transplanted from a Donor .Though Homeopathy does not provide any substitute for any organ (Kidney) but it can revive the damaged organ as it has been proven many times in my treatment of TB cases where I always found normal tissue in place of fibrocavitory lesions 

3) Allopathic process of dialysis cannot be stopped once a patient starts on it. As the time passes this procedure has to be done more frequently. Patient's kidney starts improving as soon as he starts taking homeopathic treatment. It helps the patient to withdraw from dialysis.

4) In modern medicine there is no curative procedure for CRF in. Kidney transplantation and Dialysis do not cure renal failure, but instead keep a person alive by performing the crucial functions of the kidneys. But homeopathy stimulates one's immune system to perform normal functions, in this way damaged kidneys start functioning normally.

5) There is very high percentage of rejection of new kidney received from a Donor but if such patient starts taking homeopathic treatment that would minimize the rejection percentage.

6) Allopathic treatment Patient has to spend Rs.10000 to 20000/- per month exclusively on medicines. Expenses of hospital's fee and investigations are superfluous. Homeopathic treatment cost depends upon the severity of the disease and knowledge and experience of the doctor even the costliest doctor's treatment remains quite economical as compared to allopathic expenses.

7) In case of patients who receive transplanted Kidneys diseases associated with Kidneys like Diabetes mellitus and Hypertension may become uncontrolled in spite of taking full medical care. But Classical Homeopathic treatment not only repairs the damaged kidneys but also it helps in maintaining the blood sugar level and blood pressure to a normal level.


The state of patient with end stage renal failure or progressive reversible chronic renal disease is very pathetic not only for the patient itself but also for the family and society as a whole.
In homeopathic treatment case individualization, modality & mental symptoms are the necessary part to select find out exact similimum homeopathic medicine. Homoeopathy does wonder here and has prevented a large number of cases progressing to Hemodialysis and Renal Transplant.

Homoeopathy has already done a significant service to the society here as heamodialysis and renal transplant are not within easy reach of majority of population in under- developed countries. In developing country heamodialysis and kidney transplant are very costly treatment service for CRF patients that everybody can't afford it while homeopathy is cheaper & easy treatment.
•1. Homeopathic treatment in CRF patients' medical history:
•2. Patients with end-stage chronic renal failure pending Heamodialysis & Renal Transplant:
•3. Homeopathic treatment under long-term heamodialysis pending renal transplant
•4. Homeopathic treatment in dialysis complications
•5. Homeopathic treatment for Post Renal Transplant Patients:

1. Homeopathic treatment in CRF patients' medical history:
Homeopathy medical science is a great for renal failure patient but unfortunately we are not received number of cases.
Patients mostly complaining of nausea, anorexia and progressive weakness. The laboratory renal parameters are disturbed. The evolution of individualized, totality, modality, mentality, past and family history require lots of patience and labor but the results are marvelous. 

2. Patients with end-stage chronic renal failure pending Hemodialysis & Renal Transplant: 

This is the group of cases with maximum presentations in the clinics. Majority of these cases come to homoeopathic rescue as a last resort as they can't afford long-term dialysis and transplant. .
The other small group of patients want to know the benefits of Homoeopathic treatment over dialysis and if Homoeopathic treatment be carried along with Heamodialysis? The clinical judgment is individualized and varies for every patient. Remember the correlation of uremic symptoms with renal functions varies front patient to patient. 

3. Homeopathic treatment under long-term hemodialysis pending renal transplant:

Homeopathy has a great role to play here. Research experiments in various hospitals reveals the following facts :

(a) Indicated homoeopathic remedies reduced the number of dialysis needed over a period of time.

(b) Indicated homoeopathic remedies reduce and overcome the complications associated with chronic dialysis therapy.

4.Homeopathic treatment in dialysis complications 

Remember a chronic dialysis patient depends on a machine for his life. These patients develop a variety of psychiatric, neurologic and somatic disorders. A neurologic disorder 'Dialysis dementia' is a characteristic example. 
In the mental sphere, these patients become very depressive, their reduced physical abilities make them sad and depressive 
they become very irritable like they know that they have to depend on others, they tolerate and do not express the frustration like. In the physical sphere infections, thrombosis and aneurysm formation occur in the Arterio-venous fistula. There is a high incidence of septic embolisation in these cases. The homoeopathic remedies Arnica, Caledula Q have immensely helped these cases.

Heparin necessary during the heamodialysis procedures to prevent clotting leads to complications such as subdural hematoma and intracerebral hemorrhage. Arnica and different well-proved snake poisons in our Materia Medica are of great help here.

5. Homeopathic treatment for Post Renal Transplant Patients:

The group of patients coming for homoeopathic advice after Renal Transplant is very limited. Homeopaths have very little experience with these patients and the results are not very encouraging. Most of the symptoms here are marked and distorted by immune-suppressive therapy. Immune-suppressive therapy suppresses all immune responses and hence Homoeopathic treatment has not much role to play in organ rejection of transplant cases.
The treatment of Kidney disease can be quite successful with Homeopathy, often in conjunction with allopathic medicine in advanced cases. In early stages, particularly with chronic renal disease, nephritic syndrome, stone formations in Kidney, Bladder, UTI infections, the success rate is close to 40% to 70 % with compliance by the patient.

1 comment:

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