Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Beauty Tips for Skin & Hairs

Beauty Tips for Skin & Hairs

Top 10 Foods for Healthy Hair

Shampoo and Conditioner Alone Won't Give You Healthy Hair "Lather, rinse, repeat" may be standard advice, but shampoo and conditioner alone won't give you the healthy hair you crave. For the most luxurious locks possible, you'll need to step out of the shower, and into the kitchen. "Your hair grows about 1/4 to 1/2 inch every month, and the foundation of all of our new hair, skin, and nail growth is the nutrients we eat," says dietitian. "If you eat a healthy diet, you will grow stronger and healthier cells throughout your entire body -- inside and out."

10 top foods that should be the foundation of your healthy hair diet.

Healthy Hair Food No. 1: Salmon

When it comes to foods that pack a beauty punch, it's hard to beat salmon. Loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, this high-quality protein source is also filled with vitamin B-12 and iron. "Essential omega-3 fatty acids are needed to support scalp health," says dietitian "A deficiency can result in a dry scalp and thus hair, giving it a dull look."

Vegetarian? Include one or two tablespoons of ground flaxseed in your daily diet for some plant-based omega-3 fats.

Healthy Hair Food No. 2: Dark Green Vegetables

Popeye the Sailor Man didn't eat all that spinach for healthy hair, but he could have. Spinach, like broccoli and Swiss chard, is an excellent source of vitamins A and C, which your body needs to produce sebum. The oily substance, secreted by your hair follicles, is the body's natural hair conditioner. Dark green vegetables also provide iron and calcium.

Healthy Hair Food No. 3: Beans

Beans, beans, they're good for your...hair? Yes, it's true. Legumes like kidney beans and lentils should be an important part of your hair-care diet. Not only do they provide plentiful protein to promote hair growth, but ample iron, zinc, and biotin. While rare, biotin deficiencies can result in brittle hair. Dietitians recommends three or more cups of lentils or beans each week.

Healthy Hair Food No. 4: Nuts

Do you go nuts for thick, shiny hair? You should. Brazil nuts are one of nature's best sources of selenium, an important mineral for the health of your scalp. Walnuts contain alpha-linolenic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid that may help condition your hair. They are also a terrific source of zinc, as are cashews, pecans, and almonds. A zinc deficiency can lead to hair shedding, so make sure nuts are a regular on your healthy hair menu.

Healthy Hair Food No. 5: Poultry

Chickens and turkeys may have feathers, but the high-quality protein they provide will help give you the healthy hair you crave. "Without adequate protein or with low-quality protein, one can experience weak brittle hair, while a profound protein deficiency can result in loss of hair color,". Poultry also provides iron with a high degree of bioavailability, meaning your body can easily reap its benefits

Healthy Hair Food No. 6: Eggs

When it comes to healthy hair, it doesn't matter whether you like your eggs scrambled, fried, or over easy. However they're served up, eggs are one of the best protein sources you can find. They also contain biotin and vitamin B-12, which are important beauty nutrients.

Healthy Hair Food No. 7: Whole Grains

Sink your teeth into hearty whole grains, including whole-wheat bread and fortified whole-grain breakfast cereals, for a hair-healthy dose of zinc, iron, and B vitamins.

A whole-grain snack can also be a great go-to food when your energy is zapped halfway through the afternoon, and you've still got hours to go before dinner.

Healthy Hair Food No. 8: Oysters

Oysters may be better known for their reputation as an aphrodisiac, but they can also lead to healthy hair -- and who doesn't love that? The key to their love and hair-boosting abilities is zinc -- a powerful antioxidant. If oysters don't make a regular appearance on your dinner plate, don't despair. In addition to getting it from whole grains and nuts, you can also get zinc from beef and lamb.

Healthy Hair Food No. 9: Low-Fat Dairy Products

Low-fat dairy products like skim milk and yogurt are great sources of calcium, an important mineral for hair growth. They also contain whey and casein, two high-quality protein sources. For some healthy hair foods "to-go," try throwing a yogurt or cottage cheese cup in your bag when you head out in the morning to snack on later in the day. You can even boost their hair benefits by stirring in a couple of tablespoons of ground flaxseeds or walnuts for omega-3 fatty acids and zinc.

Healthy Hair Food No. 10: Carrots

Carrots are an excellent source of vitamin A, which promotes a healthy scalp along with good vision. Since a healthy scalp is essential for a shiny, well-conditioned head of hair, you'd be wise to include carrots in your diet as snacks or toppings on your salad

Beware of Dietary Supplements

Dietary supplements often marketed to thicken hair or make it grow faster may backfire. "Even though you can find beauty supplements on the shelves of most stores, try to get the nutrients you need from foods whenever possible," "In rare instances, excess supplementation of certain nutrients, such as vitamin A, has been linked to hair loss."

Beware of Diet Fads

If you're tempted to drop pounds fast with the latest fad diet, it could leave you with less-than-healthy hair -- along with a growling stomach. Low-calorie diets are often low in some of the most important nutrients for healthy hair, including omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, and vitamin A. In addition to stunting hair growth and leading to dullness, super-low calorie plans may even cause hair loss.

"Crash diets can affect the hair cycle,". "Losing a significant amount of weight in a short amount of time can affect that normal hair rhythm. Two to three months later, you might notice a significant increase in shedding. This is a temporary problem that you recover from with a well-rounded diet.

Top 10 Foods for Healthy Hair

When it comes to foods for healthy hair and beauty, variety is the best way to go. "An overall balanced diet of lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fatty fish like salmon and low-fat dairy will help keep hair healthy," its my suggestion to all my viewers and patients.
Homoeopathic medicines for Healthy Hair& Hair fall prevention
Homeopathic medicines are known to give very good results in cases of hair fall and also pramote hair growth ,few remady  i am listing here BUT always consult to your homeopath for hair fall and constatunal approach is always good 
1. Acid-flouricum [Acid flour]
Especially adapted to chronic diseases with syphilitic and mercurial history. Mainly adapted to people who are Indifferent towards loved ones and they are unable to realize their responsibility towards everyone; buoyancy. Mentally they are elated and gay. Mainly indicated for Alopecia and hair loss. These people have very superficial relationships with everyone.

2. Phosphorus [Phos]
Bald spots on the head, which are dry and scaly, are characteristic of Phosphorus. Dandruff, roots of hair get gray and the hair comes out in bunches. Graphites cures bald spots on the sides of the head. The head sweats easily. The most important remedy in alopecia areata.

3. Natrum Muriaticum [Nat Mur]
Has the symptoms of easy falling out of the hair; it falls out when touched or combed. This is quite frequently seen in nursing home. Carbo vegetabilis has falling of hair after parturition or severe illness. Sepia has losing of hair after chronic headaches. 

4. Aurum metallicum [Aur met]
A melancholic, low spirited condition should be present with this remedy. Worry, depression, or anger may occur, especially when these people feel they have made a mistake or failed in some way. A general tendency to feel worse at night and a strong desire for alcohol, sweets, bread, and pastries are other indications for Aurum. 

5. Phosphoric acid [Ph-ac]
Falling of hair from general debility. Fluoric acid. Falling of hair from syphilis. As near specific as is possible.Arsenicum. Bald spots near the forehead; the scalp is covered with dry scales. Vinca minor. Falling of the hair with great itching of the scalp.  

6. Lycopodium [Lyco]
This drug is frequently prescribed for complaint of alopecia. Mainly indicated in nervous and angry disposition.They are usually harsh on inferiors and express all their anger in home and are well outside. They usually have digestion problems with other complaints. All the complaints are better by warm applications. In skin complaints the discharges are offensive.

Homeopathic Remedies for Acne

Antimonium tartaricum, Belladonna, Calcarea carbonica, Hepar sulph, Pulsatilla, Silicea, Sulphur are some homeopathic remedies that are useful for treating acne. Each of these remedy is useful for acne caused due to different reasons. Hence consult a homeopathic physician for deciding on the best option for your acne.

Homeopathic Remedies for Eczema

Several homeopathic drugs are effective for treating this chronic, allergic skin condition. Arum triphyllum, Arsenicum album, Graphites, Mezereum, Petroleum, and Rhus toxicodendron are some of the commonly used remedies in eczema. Each of these remedy is effective in different symptom of eczema. Other homeopathic remedies effective for treating eczema include Antimonium crudum, Calcarea carbonica, Hepar sulphuris calcareum and Sulphur.

Homeopathic Remedies for Oily skin

Mercurius, Natrum mur are useful for a person with an oily skin.

Anacardium occ, Antimonium crud, Antimonium tart., Arnica, Arsenicum album, Calc. carb., Belladonna, Causticum, Dulcamara, Hamamelis, Phytolacca, Pulsatilla, Rhus tox., Sepia, Sulfur, Staphysagria are some of the commonly used remedies for skin disorders.

Caution: Self treatment with homeopathic remedies can be effective but for any long-standing or recurring skin problems consult a professional homeopathic practitioner to determine an appropriate remedy that will rebalance your entire system and cure your skin problem.

Skin Care Vitamins:-
Vitamin A- This fat-soluble vitamin is essential for the maintenance and healing of epithelial tissues, with skin being the largest expanse of epithelial tissue you've got. Best sources Egg yolks, oysters and nonfat milk. You can also get vitamin A from foods rich in beta carotene (see below), which the body can convert into vitamin A. Best sources Dark-colored produce, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, watermelon, papaya, broccoli and spinach.
B vitamins-B vitamins help convent calories into energy for skirt metabolism and are components of enzymes that maintain normal skin function (including functioning of the oil-producing glands which keep skin moist and smooth) Best sources Poultry, red meat, fish, bananas temper whole grains, brewers yeast peanut butter and eggs
Vitamin C When taken internally this vitamin helps maintain collagen -- the underlying supporting structure of skin. But sun exposure (and stress) can drain vitamin C from the skin, . Best sources Citrus fruits and juices, slow cantaloupe, strawberries, tomato sweet peppers and green peas
Vitamin E This antioxidant help slow the aging of skin cells by reducing the production of an enzyme called collagens, which breaks down collagen, causing the skin to sag and. Best sources Salmon, legumes, extralean meat, almonds, leafy vegetables, and olive and sesame oils
Selenium The damaging effects of ultraviolet light are minimized by this antioxidant mineral, thereby reducing your risk for sunburn. In fact, low blood levels of selenium also increase your risk for skin cancer. Best sources Tuna, wheat germ, sesame seeds and whole grains
Zinc This trace mineral helps maintain collagen and elastin fibers that give skin its firmness, helping to prevent sagging and wrinkles.. Best sources Seafood, turkey, pork, soybeans and mushrooms

Night Fall-Nocturnal Emissions

Nocturnal Emissions


Each and every person have sex desires, and if he is married  then go to the partner for ejaculation other wise  go to the way of anal sex. But the both cases some is not  followers then  they have a way to ejaculation with normal functioning of masturbation.
 Information about nocturnal emission or night emission definition, nocturnal emission in adults and ways to get rid of this problem, night emission treatment with homeopathy treatment of nocturnal emission.
Nocturnal emission or night fall is a term applied to the involuntary discharge of semen during sleep. Such discharges sometimes occurs during the day also but mostly at night and thus they are also called “night discharges”.
In the beginning such discharges take place by an amorous and sexual dream and consequently erection is attained fully and semen is discharged. Once this disease is not cured, such discharges take place quite frequently even without dreams and erection. If night emission takes place quite frequently it should not be ignored.
Nocturnal Emission is a one kind of problematic condition, which harasses the males at some point in their life. However, if this therapeutic condition gets worse over the time, then it can harm affected person in both ways, psychologically and physically. In order to stopnocturnal emission, the understanding of some facts about this therapeutic condition is quite necessary. So, first of all, know what nocturnal emission exactly is; Nocturnal Emissionis defined as the involuntary ejaculation of semen during a night without sexual intercourse allied with sexual dreams. Furthermore, nocturnal emission is commonly known as "Nightfall" or "Wet dream". Nightfall or nocturnal emissions are simply a reaction of reproductive system to chuck out the excessively produced fluid in it and male’s reproductive organ ejaculates this excess fluid when he is sleeping.

If the discharges take place before twenty years’ of age and that too at very short intervals, it indicates that the sexual system has gone out of order.
The following precautions are advised to check frequent night emission:
·         Do not sleep on the back
·         Do not use milk at night
·         Avoid overeating
·         Take your night meal at least before 3 hours before going to bed
·         Excessive spices, wine, eggs, meat and other stimulating things should be avoided.
·         Plenty vegetables, fruits should be taken
·         Tea, curd, betel should be avoided
·         Food should be chewed thoroughly
·         Avoid taking much fluid after dinner
·         Intake water frequently during day time.
·         Void urine prior to going to bed.
·         Get up early in the morning since such discharges occur in the morning hours
·         Excessive horse riding and cycling should be avoided
·         Deep breathing and long walk in healthy atmosphere should be done
·         Amorous thoughts and discussions should be avoided
·         Daily and light exercise should be done
·         Clean the genitals daily.
·         Moderate diet should be taken
·         Homeopathy may prove best and safe method of treatment in order to cure night emission.
Homeopathic treatment for night emission

Homeopathy is one of the most popular holistic systems of medicine. The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat night emission but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several remedies are available to treat night emission that can be selected on the basis of cause, sensations and modalities of the complaints.  For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. There are following remedies which are helpful in the treatment of night emission:
Cantharis – seminal emission at night, followed by a disagreeable burning heat all over the body, great anxiety, heaviness, inability to sleep for the rest of the night; night emission followed by shivering lasting for an hour or two and sleeplessness for the night; partial blindness for an hour or two after night emission; great despondency, inability to apply himself to work and thus life becomes a burden; frightful satyriasis; violent painful priapism, discharge of blood instead of semen.
Caladium – penis is too flabby after masturbation; nocturnal emission occur with or without dreams. It is indicated in the advanced stages when there are no erections. Emissions occurring without any sexual excitement whatever is a good indication for caladium.
Carbolic acid – sexual organs in an unusually relaxed, weakened state during the day, but at night lewd dreams with seminal emission; intense burning itching of genitals.
Calcaria carb – bad effects of early masturbation; night-sweats followed by weakness of mind and body; increased sexual desire provokes emission, but unusual weakness follows indulgence, and ejaculation is tardy; burning and stinging while semen discharges during coition; pressing pain in head and back’ lassitude and weakness in lower extremities; sweat easily.
Argentum met – effects of onanism; seminal emission; almost every night, without erection, with atrophy of penis.
Phosphoric acid – this remedy corresponds to the chronic effects of loss of seminal fluid, such as emissions on three or four consecutive night, weakening the patient greatly. Under phosphoric acid the whole system is weakened.
Anantherum Mur. – Great exaltation of venereal appetite, increasing the oftener coitus is performed; venereal desire with impotency; frequent seminal and prostatic losses; night emission, with dreams, and unconscious of them.
Argentum Nitricum – this remedy has thick yellow purulent discharges, soreness and swelling of the urethra and sexual dreams with emissions. It is useful for chordee when the urethra seems drawn up in to knots, worse at night.
Nux Vomica – for the bad effects of early masturbation, Nux is an important remedy. It should be given when the patient suffers from headache, frequent involuntary emissions at night, especially toward morning.
Sulphur – in sexual conditions sulphur us useful when the patient is weak and debilitated, suffers from gastric ailments, and has frequent involuntary night emission, exhausting him greatly. The seminal flow is thin and watery and has lost his characteristic properties. The genital organs are relaxed.
Antim crud – nymphomania from checked catamania by taking a bath, with tenderness over the ovarian region; sexual desire and wakeful-ness; night emission with or without voluptuous dreams.
Bufo – longs for solitude, to give himself up to his vice; quick ejaculation, without thrill, with spasms and painful uneasiness of the limbs; frequent nocturnal emissions, followed by debility; slow emission, or entirely absent; aversion to coitus; impotence; imbecility with loss of all decency; masturbation or coitus causes convulsions, simulating those of epilepsy, usually followed by profound sleep; inclination to touch the genitals.

Herbal Treatment For Nocturnal Emission In Men


Frequent nocturnal emissions or wet dreams can be very straining on reproductive organs and entire reproductive system and shall be treated without delay, herbal treatment for nocturnal emission in men provides safe and quick cure to the problem.
During young age men and women can face problem of nocturnal emission, however this problem is much less common in women compared to men.
During adolescence with secretion of sex hormones in males have increased sensation in genital region and fantasies and thoughts about mating begin to come in. This can bring an occasional erotic dream during sleep or person can get excited due to rubbing of sheets or trousers and ejaculate. Sometimes person wakes up from sleep before ejaculation but cannot control it and sometimes he realizes it only in the morning.
Medically occasional night emission is reckoned as healthy and good for physical and mental health. It is regarded as natural response of the body which works as safety valve to release pressure and helps in calming down surging desires to mate for sometime. But if frequency of such emissions increase and cross healthy limits it can cast serious implications on physical and reproductive health as well as mental health of a male. NF cure herbal treatment for nocturnal emission in men is completely herbal preparation containing herbs as ingredients which can alleviate the problem with in no time.
What make herbal treatment for night emission in men highly effective and safe are its ingredients. NF cure capsules comprise of powerful and safe herbs like Shudh Shilajit, Long, Pipal, kavach beej, kesar, jaiphal, swarna bhang, lauh bhasma, kankaj, ksheerika, atimukyak, brahmadandi, Shatavari, ashwagandha, haritaki, purushratan, bhedani, safed musli and dridranga. All of these herbs are blended in a perfect formula to make NF cure capsules which improve a male’s muscle mass, increase stamina, strengthen nervous system, improve blood flow, increase sensation in the genital region, increase desire for lovemaking and maintain healthy hormonal balance. All of the positive changes brought in by NF cure capsules not only cure the problem of frequent nocturnal emission but also improve a male’s virility, potency and lovemaking capacity.
With frequent nocturnal emission males experience fatigue, low desire for lovemaking, problems related to erections and also premature ejaculation. Along with these problems others like back pain, testicular pain, burning during urination, irritated behavior and anxiety can also creep up. Herbal treatment for night emission in men can not only stop nocturnal emissions but also alleviate side effects of the problem. Adult males generally develop this problem due to weak nerves, lesser muscular strength, fatigue, lethargic lifestyle, diseases and due to side effects of medicines.
Also too much alcohol, smoking, drugs or too much coition, hand practice or erotic fantasies and thoughts can cause frequent nocturnal emissions. Herbal treatment for nocturnal emission in men can control the problem occurring due to any of these reasons and prevent its ill-effects on overall health in a short time without causing any side effects. Since capsules are herbal in nature hence these are suitable for adult males of any age.
Nocturnal emission is also known as nightfall or wet dream. Most men are familiar both with the term and with the experience. Nocturnal emission is not considered a disease or a medical condition and it is not at all life threatening. Initially, when it first occurs to a man, is just a normal phase in the transition from puberty to adulthood. Why would treatment be necessary then, if it’s not a disease and it’s not abnormal? Well, it becomes something that needs to be treated when it occurs excessively. The simple occurrence won’t be a problem either, but when you frequently lose semen during sleep, unpleasant side effects will appear in time unless you put an end to this situation.
Frequent nocturnal emissions will start to control your life at some point or another, unless you control them. Ejaculating without you wanting this and also very often will leave you exhausted and sexually weakened. It can also lead to leaking semen in urine and to premature ejaculation. You will realize that they have made you a man incapable of enjoying a normal relationship and of having intercourse. It is best to notice in useful time that night emissions are too frequent in order to be able to stop them before you start to miss your virility and your sexual power.
Some men prefer to do nothing about frequent nocturnal emissions, even though their entire life changes, because they are too embarrassed to look for treatment and they imagine that this is something complicated and frustrating. Don’t let yourself trapped in this attitude because frequent nocturnal emissions treatment is easy and safe. All there is to do to put an end to night emission and to regain your strength and power is to find an effective herbal supplement and to follow a two or three months cure.
Frequent nocturnal emissions will start to control your life at some point or another, unless you control them. Ejaculating without you wanting this and also very often will leave you exhausted and sexually weakened. It can also lead to leaking semen in urine and to premature ejaculation. You will realize that they have made you a man incapable of enjoying a normal relationship and of having intercourse. It is best to notice in useful time that night emissions are too frequent in order to be able to stop them before you start to miss your virility and your sexual power.
Some men prefer to do nothing about frequent nocturnal emissions, even though their entire life changes, because they are too embarrassed to look for treatment and they imagine that this is something complicated and frustrating. Don't let yourself trapped in this attitude because frequent nocturnal emissions treatment is easy and safe. All there is to do to put an end to night emission and to regain your strength and power is to find an effective herbal supplement and to follow a two or three months cure.
The experience of nightfall is a quite common process in teenage age. Moreover, the occurrence of nightfall is an indication of teenage male's progression towards maturity. However, the occurrence of the nightfall must be limited, which is 2 to 5 times in a month, and if it goes beyond this limit then it becomes necessary to stop the nocturnal emission. Now comes to mature people, the experience of wet dreams is a harmful process for an adult individual, particularly if he is married. The excess amount of nightfall not only harms a person psychologically and physically but it is potentially responsible to harm the reproductive system of the person, that’s why it is very essential to stop nocturnal emissions.
Some of the complications caused due to excessive nocturnal emissions are pointed out below.
  • It may enhance psychosomatic concerns that can affect the life such as mood swings, anger, and guilt.
  • It may harm the male fertility by decreasing the sperm count.
  • Probably, it make the person impotent by harming the reproductive system.
  • It may lead a person to diverse shameful weaknesses such as no ejaculation at all or untimely ejaculations, weak erections, and semen leakage.
In summary, it is quite necessary to stop nocturnal emission dream due to its negative effects on the life of a person. Just follow some simple & top recommended tips given below to overcome repeating nocturnal emissions or wet dreams.

Natural Remedies to Stop Nocturnal Emissions

1) Drink Sage tea or herbal tea before going to sleep as it is a natural remedy which not only helps to stop nocturnal emission caused by erotic dreams, but even helps to prevent ejaculation. Sage tea powder available in the market comes with many incredible health benefits. Relieving pain, preventing hemorrhage problems, curing sore throats and enhancing digestive function are some other benefits of drinking sage tea.

2) Consumption of yogurt or curd is regarded as best for treatment of nightfall or night emission. 2 to 3 cups of yogurt taken daily are considered to decrease the occurrence of Nightfall, and they also endorse a peaceful sleep. Curd is highly supplemented with a good source of essential minerals that effectively enhances your stamina and health. Inclusion of yogurt in the daily diet is an excellent and secure natural remedy to cure nightfall troubles as it doesn’t induce any side effect on user.

3) Include aphrodisiac foodstuffs in 
a diet as it is another natural remedy to minimize the effects of nocturnal emission or wet dreams.
Some of the commonly recommended aphrodisiac foodstuffs include onion, bottle gourd, dates, pumpkin seeds and dried figs.
  • Daily consumption of onion, pumpkin juice, bottle gourd juice is very effective to stopnocturnal emission caused by erotic dreams, as well as it increases energy level and thwarts the risk of infectious diseases.
  • Make a mixture of 10 grams white onion juice, 8 grams ginger juice, 5 grams honey, and 3 grams clarified butter, and take it before going to sleep. It will ease the problem of nocturnal emission.
  • You can also use bottle gourd and sesame oil topically by good scalp massaging to induce better sleep.
4) Fenugreek, one of the ordinary herbal remedies is a best cure to prevent nightfall or wet dreams. Individuals suffering from chronic nightfall are recommended to intake a fenugreek extract mixed with a honey, 30 minutes before going to sleep. It helps to prevent problems caused by hormonal imbalance, and it is also an effective digestive aid.

5) Indian gooseberry is one of the most effective 
remedies to treat nocturnal emission or nightfall.
  • Take one glass and place 20 grams pulverized dry Indian gooseberry in it, and then fill it with 60 grams of water. Put it aside for 12 hours. After that, filter it and add 1 gram pulverized turmeric and drink it.
  • Take 10ml fresh Indian gooseberry juice, 1g turmeric powder and 5g honey, mix them well, and take it every morning and evening. This natural house-made medication is also very effective to treat a nightfall problem.
  • Eating of Indian gooseberry jam is very valuable in nocturnal emission.
6) Bananas are beneficial in nocturnal emission and diabetes. Eat two bananas and subsequently drink half-cup of boiled milk every day up to 3 months.

7) Make small pieces of the basil root and drink in water. It is also a very beneficial remedy.

8) Make pieces of two garlic buds and gulp it with water; it will help to ease nocturnal emission. Do this experiment daily before going to bed.

9) Even, daily intake of 5 grams crushed pomegranate peel at morning and evening is very advantageous.

10) Take a mixture of saffron milk and grinded 8 to10 almonds prior to sleeping. It is the very advantageous remedy to evade frequent Nightfall.

Coriander is one of the effective remedies also.
  • Take the mixture of crushed coriander and sugar-candy with cold water. It is a helpful remedy for nocturnal emission.
  • Crush dry coriander fruit and sieve it. Mix it with the same proportion of the crushed sugar. Consume one teaspoon of this powder with water at the empty stomach in the early morning, and do not eat anything else up to the hour after that.
12) Try to raise the intake of Vitamins C, E and B12 as these vitamins keep your sexually healthy, make your semen dense and increase sperm productions and help a lot to decrease nocturnal emission or nightfall.

13) Daily intake of celery leaves' juice with honey and stalks before going to bed is very helpful to reduce nightfall.
14) Try to consume garlic, ginger, almonds, sea food, Sunflower seeds, peanuts, plenty of fresh vegetables in your diet.
15) Raise your every day water intake or drink minimum 10 to 12 glasses of water daily.
16) Adopt a habit of listening pleasant music or reading good books prior to going to sleep.
17) Relaxing before bedtime is another natural remedy to stop nightfall. Add a few drops of relaxant oils in warm water and take a bath with it to relax your mind and body before going to sleep. Castor oil, chamomile oil, lavender oil, olive oil and sandal wood oil are examples of the best relaxant oils utilized for doing body massaging. This natural technique of the body massaging is the very effective cure for those who are suffering from low energy level caused by chronic nightfall. It rejuvenates the body cells, reduces stress formation, calms down nerve cells, and relieves pain.

18) Last but not least, avoid smoking and alcohol intake as much as possible.