Friday, 19 October 2012

ACNE, Pimples Homeopathic Treatment & Remedies

ACNE, Pimples  
Homeopathic Treatment & Remedies

Acne is a red, irritating skin rash that is almost universal among individuals going through puberty in industrialized societies. It can, however, occur at all ages. Typical acne affects the skin of the face, chest, and back and rarely the neck and upper arms of teenagers and young adults.
Because acne typically occurs during a time of dramatic physical and psychological changes associated with the development of one's body image, it can exacerbate social withdrawal and even depression. Left untreated, severe acne can lead to disfiguring scarring which can be difficult to treat.
1.  Several myths exist about acne.
2.  Acne is not a result of uncleanliness or infrequent washing. In other words, acne does not result from too much dirt on the skin or in the pores. Too much scrubbing may actually make acne worse.
3.  Acne is not caused by eating "fast" foods, chocolate or high-fat foods.

Causes of Acne

Acne is one of the most widespread medical conditions in the world. More than 90% of all adolescents, nearly 50% of all adult women, and 25% of all adults suffer from acne, but what causes acne? Contrary to popular belief, acne is not caused by what you eat, how often you wash your face, or work out. The five causes of acne all occur beneath the surface of your skin.

1) Hormones. You already knew this, right? For most people, acne begins at puberty when the body begins to produce hormones called androgens. These hormones cause the sebaceous glands to enlarge. This is a natural part of the body's development, but in acne sufferers the sebaceous glands are overstimulated by androgens, sometimes well into adulthood. Androgens are also responsible for acne flare-ups associated with the menstrual cycle and, sometimes, pregnancy.

2) Extra sebum. When the sebaceous gland is stimulated by androgens, it produces extra sebum. As the sebum moves up the follicle towards the skin's surface, it mixes with common skin bacteria and dead skin cells that have been shed from the lining of the follicle. While this process is normal, the presence of extra sebum in the follicle increases the chances of clogging, leading to acne.

3) Bacteria. Remember that common skin bacteria mentioned above? The bacterium Propionibacterium acnes, (P. acnes for short) is part of the skin’s natural sebum maintenance system. However, once a follicle is plugged, P. acnes bacteria multiply rapidly, causing a chemical reaction we know as inflammation in the follicle and surrounding skin.

4) Inflammation. Speaking of inflammation, when your body encounters unwanted bacteria, it sends an army of white blood cells to attack the intruders. This process is called chemotaxis, or the inflammatory response. The inflammatory response is what causes pimples to become red, swollen and painful. Studies have shown that the inflammatory response is especially strong in adult women.

5) Follicle fallout. Normally, dead cells within the follicle shed gradually and are expelled onto the skin’s surface. However, in those people with overactive sebaceous glands, which includes nearly everyone during puberty, these cells are shed more rapidly. Mixed with a surplus of sebum, the dead skin cells form a plug in the follicle, preventing the skin from finishing its natural process of renewal.

The secret to managing acne is prevention and stopping this condition before pimples appear. Once you find an acne treatment that helps you accomplish this, it's important to stick with it. Even after pimples disappear, you may need to continue treatment to prevent new blemishes from appearing. It's also important to begin treatment as soon as the first signs of acne appear. The sooner you treat your acne, the less likely you are to experience permanent damage to your skin.


Antimonium tartaricum: This remedy may be helpful for acne with large pustules that are tender to touch, with bluish-red marks that remain on the skin after active infection has passed. The person may be irritable, with low resistance to illness.
Calcarea carbonica: If a person with frequent pimples and skin eruptions is chilly with clammy hands and feet, easily tired by exertion, and flabby or overweight, this remedy may help improve the skin’s resistance to infection. People who need this remedy are often very anxious when overworked, and have cravings for sweets and eggs.
Hepar sulphuris calcareum: This remedy may be indicated when the skin is easily infected, slow to heal, and painful eruptions like boils appear. The pimples are very sensitive to touch and slow to come to a head; eventually, offensive-smelling pus may form. A person who needs Hepar sulph is usually chilly, sensitive to cold in any form, and feel irritable and touchy.
Pulsatilla: This remedy can be helpful if acne is worse from eating rich or fatty foods, and aggravated by warmth or heat. It is indicated especially around the time of puberty, or when acne breaks out near menstrual periods. The person often has a fair complexion and is inclined toward soft emotions and moodiness, feeling worse in warm or stuffy rooms and better in fresh air.
Silicea (also called Silica): A person with deep-seated acne along with a general low immune resistance, swollen lymph nodes, and a tendency toward fatigue and nervousness may benefit from this remedy. Infected spots are slow to come to a head, and also slow to resolve, so may result in scarring. A person who needs this remedy is generally very chilly, but inclined to sweat at night.
Sulphur: Itching, sore, inflamed eruptions with reddish or dirty-looking skin often indicate a need for Sulphur. Itching may be worse from scratching, and worse from any form of heat—especially bathing or washing. Individuals who need this remedy are often inclined toward convoluted mental notions and tend to give order and neatness a low priority.

Home Acne Remedies

Acne is an inflammatory skin condition that affects millions of people around the world. Acne comes in various types, and people experience different levels of severity. Of course, there are some cases of acne that definitely require medical treatment to get rid of them. However there are many instances where home remedies can be used to get rid of the acne problems fast and without breaking your budget. Here are six home acne remedies that you can use to cheaply and effectively get rid of acne.

1) Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is often described as one of the most effective home acne remedies there is. It requires the least preparation and has helped many people around the world get rid of acne fast. All it involves is cutting the Aloe Vera plant and rubbing the piece(s) directly onto the face. Once that is done, you simply allow the "juices" to sit there for a while. Not only is this very effective at preventing acne scars and skin blemishes, it also helps to get rid of existing acne problems, too!

2) Baking soda
A cooking ingredient that most people have in their homes already, baking soda can be used as a great scrub. The purpose of a scrub is to exfoliate the skin, removing dead skin that can eventually clog pores and lead to acne spots. To start off, mix a small amount of baking soda with some water for form a paste. Baking soda is very effective as a scrub, so you want to be sure to be extra careful when applying it to your face. Gently massage the paste into your skin for ten to fifteen seconds. Then rinse the baking soda off and pat your face dry with a clean towel.

3) Egg Whites
Rich in protein, egg whites can be used as a mask to heal and rebuild your skin. It can also help to absorb excess oil from your skin. To start off, crack an egg, removing the yolk so that just the egg whites are left behind. Beat these egg whites, and then apply them directly to your face. Let it sit for fifteen minutes, and then rinse the egg off.

4) Oatmeal
Oatmeal can absorb unwanted oil and draw out impurities which reside deep in your skin. Cook some plain oatmeal like you would for consumption. Let it cool off, and then rub it over your clean skin. Let it sit for a while, like you would a mask, and then rinse off. If you do this on a regular basis, you should begin to start noticing results soon. 

5) Tea Tree Oil
Tea tree oil is a commonly used all-natural household antiseptic, which you can pick up at most drugstores or supermarkets. You can apply tea tree oil il directly to acne spots to kill bacteria, or, if you strongly dilute it with another oil (such as jojoba oil), over your entire face. Tea tree gel can be easier to apply than the oil, and many are made for applying over large areas of skin, so they aren't quite as strong as straight tea tree oil and do not need to be diluted.

6) Vinegar
Though most people that use vinegar to treat acne use the apple cider form of vinegar, you can also use regular vinegar. Regardless of which type you use, vinegar can be very helpful with it comes to clearing up acne. It can kill off acne-causing bacteria, balance your skin's pH, and absorb extra oil on your skin. Starting with clean, dry skin, apply diluted vinegar (eight parts water to one part vinegar) directly to your skin with a cotton ball, and leave it on. If you want, you can also use a stronger vinegar solution (two or three parts water to one part vinegar), and apply it directly to problem areas, rinsing it off after ten minutes.

7) Basil is worshiped in Asian cultures as the purest and most sublime plant due to its medicinal effect on all systems of the human body. Even the soil on which the basil plant grows becomes so pure that if you have a mud bath with that soil almost all ailments of the skin disappear. Basil is extremely effective in treating skin disorders because it is a blood purifier and kills bacteria.

8) Neem has proved to be beneficial in skin disorders such as warts, scabies, psoriasis, eczema, and even dandruff. It is extremely effective in acne treatment. propeties. If Neem leaves are crushed and applied as a paste to the face affected by acne, an immediate improvement is seen within a matter of minutes.

Neem counteracts the excess sugar contents in the body which are the cause of most of the skin disorders. Ancient medical texts, such as the Sushrita Sanhita, have demonstrated that Neem somehow inhibits the multiplication of viruses by combining with the skin cells. This blockage of virus growth imparts the germicidal and anti allergic properties to Neem.

9) Turmeric has been used for centuries in the oriental cultures as a complete remedy for infections, injuries, boils, accident recovery, etc.

10) Sandalwood is an Indian plant that has an extraordinary fragrance. The bark of the sandalwood tree is extremely smooth and sandalwood paste is applied on the body to impart an extremely smooth, unblemished, and lustrous look to the skin.

It's better to try natural remedies for acne instead of drugs for a couple of reasons. First, natural treatments for acne are usually less expensive then acne drugs. They also have fewer side effects. So it makes sense to try some natural treatments for acne first.

Home Remedies for Getting Rid of Acne

Trying to get rid of acne is a problem that has been around for years. Nobody likes to look as though they are riddled with acne, but sadly, for many people it is a huge problem that simply cannot be avoided. If you find yourself in this position, there is typically very little that you can do to avoid it. However, there is still help and hope that you have to make things better. Chemical or prescription treatments are extremely expensive and typically do not work well.

Some of the most common ingredients for acne home remedies include things such as cucumber, lemon juice, and also milk. However, there are plenty of other ingredients that can be used as well. If you are willing to take some time to learn it is possible to find a rather large amount of successful acne treatments that all do not have any serious side effects that can cause you substantial problems. Working to ensure you have the best treatment methods available to you is not always easy, it is quite possible at times that you will feel that you are losing the battle to acne, but never fear there are plenty of choices available to find your perfect solution.

Most people are rather thrilled to learn that the simplest methods are using things such as milk, orange peel, strawberry leaves, and even cucumbers. Of course, you are not making a meal and these ingredients are all used in distinctly different remedies. For those who have an abundance of strawberry leaves around, you can use them to help reduce the painful swelling that is associated with acne. Other great usages include using orange peel mashed together with a small amount of water to form a paste. This paste is then used to help reduce the acne in the area in which it was applied.

For someone who likes the smell of cucumbers, a paste of cucumber is great for helping to prevent breakouts before they even happen. By creating the paste, you are using some great nutrients that many commercial companies actually put into their products. The key to this remedy is to allow the paste to remain on for at least 30 minutes. After this time, you can remove the paste and feel your skin refreshed. It is important to ensure that you repeat this treatment daily to avoid a breakout.

Using milk, you can create a paste by mixing in some nutmeg. This makes a wonderful paste that can be applied directly onto acne to help dry it out quickly. Repeated usages may be required to clear it up entirely, but it is typically extremely effective.

Mint juice is a great remedy as well. It can be used either all by itself, or you can punch it up a notch by mixing it together with turmeric powder. If you opt to mix it with turmeric powder, you need to apply it onto your face and allow it to remain for approximately thirty minutes before rinsing your face with warm water. Be certain that you rinse it thoroughly or you could risk over drying your skin.

Finding your perfect home remedy for acne is likely to be a prolonged process. Each person has a uniquely created balance that must be maintained in order to achieve the perfect skin that is needed. If you are having great difficulties trying to get your acne under control it might be time to try a new remedy. It is recommended that you give each different remedy ample time to actually work though before changing. Typically, a period of two weeks is sufficient to start noticing a great difference in your skin if the remedy you are presently using is going to be effective. Pulling together all of the greatest remedies for acne might sound like a delicious recipe to cook with, but the final result will look much better when your face is clear.

Acne Skin Care

Acne is defined as a diseased condition of the skin that involves the hair and oil glands. It is characterized by pimples, black/white heads, reddishness and cysts. Face acne can spoil your appearance to a great extent and body acne can really ruin your day by making you very uncomfortable. Considering acne as a minor problem, some people tend to totally discard the topic of acne skin care. However, the importance of acne skin care cannot be undermined in any way.

Acne skin care should really start much before the acne actually appears. Acne skin care is more about being proactive than reactive. Acne skin care is about being aware of preventive measures. Acne skin care is - following daily skin care routines with complete discipline. So let’s have a look at how acne skin care can be applied to our daily routine.

Acne skin care starts with the most basic thing - cleanliness. Morning showers are the most basic way of keeping the skin clean. In fact, a lot of people take night showers too (that not only helps in keeping your skin clean but also provides relaxation to your body and enables a good sleep). If you are living in a hot and/or humid place, a night shower becomes a must. In fact, a shower is recommended after any activity that causes high levels of sweat to develop. It’s a very effective ‘acne skin care’ technique.

However, acne skin care is not about just showers. Acne skin care is also about wearing clean clothes and sleeping on clean pillows. Moreover, too tight clothes can cause sweat to accumulate quickly; so soft and comfortable cotton clothes are recommended, especially if you already have acne. In the same sense, ‘acne skin care’ also advocates regular cleaning of your make-up brush and any equipment that you use on your body.

Besides that, you should also use a mild, water-soluble, oil-free and soap-free cleanser for keeping your face, neck and arms clean. Cleansing is the most important part of any acne skin care routine. Cleaners are the easiest and the most effective way of removing dirt, grease, pollutants and excess oil from your skin; thus reducing the probability of acne occurrence. Acne skin care also recommends removing your make up using a make up remover, and this should happen before you go to bed (not in the morning).

If you already have acne, do not try to touch them or squeeze pimples; it can lead to permanent scars. Acne skin care requires gentle cleansing and cleaning of the affected area using an over-the-counter medication and a clean/soft cotton pad. There are various acne skin care creams and lotions available over-the-counter (a lot of these acne skin care products are actually just cleansers). However, if these acne skin care measures don’t give you the desired results, you can contact a dermatologist for acne skin care advice and treatment.

Anti-Acne Diet

Previous generations were always told that eating certain foods, such as fried foods and chocolate would clog their pores and make their acne worse. Recently, doctors have been saying that diet doesn't affect acne; it's all hormones, bacteria, and genetics. However, an Australian study suggests that the previous advice about avoiding certain foods was sort of right, but now we know exactly what foods and why we should avoid them.

A research team, led by Associate Professor Neil Mann from RMIT University’s School of Applied Sciences, has discovered a solid link between acne and diet.

"We think we've come across a way to alter your diet in a very healthy way that will alleviate the symptoms of acne and at the same time will make you a lot healthier," Associate Professor Mann said.

The study recruited 50 boys and divided them into two groups. One group consumed a typical teen diet of sugary snacks and processed foods, while the other group followed a more natural diet higher in protein and with low-glycemic index foods such as whole grain bread, pasta, and legumes. The study showed impressive results in just 12 weeks.

"The acne of the boys on the higher protein-low GI diet improved dramatically, by more than 50 per cent, which is more than what you see with topical acne solutions," said Associate Professor Mann.

“A diet high in processed foods pushes glucose and insulin levels higher, exacerbating the problem, but low-GI foods do the opposite. The mechanism and the results are as clear as day."The study seems pretty definitive, but exactly what is the

glycemic index? The glycemic index (GI) is a ranking system for carbohydrates based on their effect on blood glucose levels. Carbohydrates that break down rapidly during digestion have the highest glycemic indices. Carbohydrates that break down slowly, releasing glucose gradually into the blood stream, have a low glycemic index.

Potatoes, rice, white bread, cakes, cookies, soft drinks, and sugary snacks are examples of high-GI foods that elevate blood glucose levels and insulin levels dramatically. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes are examples of low-GI foods. When you hear people talking about bad carbs and good carbs, they're talking about high-GI and low-GI foods.

Before you throw up your hands at the changing scientific advice about acne treatment, remember that a low-GI diet is good for your general health, not just for acne treatment. A low-GI diet can help prevent or treat obesity and type 2 diabetes, both of which are widespread medical problems today. It's the diet that you should be following anyway. Improving your acne is just a bonus!

You can stop acne without drugs or over-the-counter products. You can stop the unnecessary scarring acne causes. You can start changing your life today. To find out how you can STOP acne at the root of the problem, instead of just masking the symptoms,

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