Homeopathy for Bedwetting
Homoeopathic medicines are best treatment for mental related problems and bed wetting is the unconscious mind problem.The most common disease of infant and children’s are Bedwetting, it can be treated by using homeopathic medicines. Infants commonly pass urine in bed during sleep. It becomes a matter of concern, however, if an infant continues to do so even after attaining an age of three years. Bed-wetting is urination during sleep. Children learn bladder control at different ages. Children below 4yrs of age often wet their bed because they can`t control their bladder. But most children can stay dry through the night by age 5 or 6. In adults, involuntary urination may be caused by a neurological problem.
Bedwetting, also known as enuresis, is a symptom, not a disease.
If your child regularly wets the bed beyond the age of three or four, however,
she may have an underlying kidney or bladder problem. Herbal remedies may help
treat bed wetting, but you should always talk to your child's doctor before
using herbs.
There are many possible causes of bed wetting. Some of the most
common causes of bed wetting include a small bladder, a family history of bed
wetting, stress, unusually slow development of your child's central nervous
system, hormonal factors, urinary tract infections and certain anatomical
abnormalities. Most children achieve complete bladder control by the age of
six, although it is not unusual for bed wetting to occur after this age. Bed
wetting is a common source of frustration among parents.
Treatment of Bedwetting
There are several homeopathic medicines are used for above mention treatment. which can become useful to remove this disease. But the person should possess the following symptoms as well. On the totality of symptom these medicines are prescribed.
Benzoic acid 30: This medicine is useful in case of bed-wetting of delicate infants or dribbling urine of old men with enlarged prostate. The urine has a dark brown colour and a very strong, repulsive odour.
Causticum 30: Involuntary urination when laughing, coughing, sneezing or blowing the nose is the symptoms, the patient should use the medicine Causticum. Involuntary urination of infants at night during first sleep is also important. The problem improves on its own in the rainy season but is worse in clear fine weather.
Equisetum 30: Involuntary profuse urination in infants, under the influence of a frightening dream is a common symptom for which the medicine can also be used. The child may also complain of a dull pain in the bladder, which intensifies at the close of urination.
Nux voimca 30: Dribbling of urine in young men from loss of control over the bladder after consuming intoxicating drinks. There is frequent urge to pass urine but only a few drops come out causing irritation and pain. The problem is worse during winter and summer but improves during the rains. All these are the symptoms for which this medicine can be used.
Pulsatilla 30: Involuntary urination in sleep, while coughing or passing flatus i.e. gas, more likely to occur if the person has consumed rich, fatty food the previous evening. The medicine named Pulsatilla can be used when these symptoms are present in a person.
Sepia 30: Involuntary urination of small girls during first sleep. The urine is offensive and stains clothes because of red sediment. All these can be cured by the homeopathic medicine Sepia.
Silicea 30: Involuntary urination especially during no-moon or full-moon nights. Nocturnal eneuresis in children with worms in intestines are some of the other symptoms for which this medicine can be used.
Sulphur 30: There are some common symptoms for which this medicine can be used and these can be mentioned as involuntary passage of a large quantity of urine at night by an untidy infant, who has a dislike for bathing. Eneuresis is precipitated by weather-changes but generally disappears during summer.
Five herbs are often used for this condition, including buchu, corn
silk, oat straw, parsley and plantain. It Is recommended taking these herbal remedies
before 3:00 p.m. so that they have enough time to work before your child's
Buchu is a frequently used herbal remedy for bed wetting and other health
problems. Buchu leaves are used to help treat bladder infections, prostate
conditions, digestive conditions and diabetes. Buchu is perhaps most well-known
for its ability to control control bladder and kidney problems. The leaves of
the buchu plant contain many important nutrients and plant chemicals that are
beneficial for your health. Balch notes that you should not boil buchu leaves.
Although bed wetting is common in children, persistent bed wetting
may be cause for concern. If your child wets the bed on a regular basis,
consider visiting your physician for advice about bed wetting treatment
strategies. In some cases, behavior modification techniques may help train your
child to stop wetting the bed at night. Before treating your child's bed
wetting with herbal remedies, discuss the proper dosage with a qualified health
care provider. Dosage for children is usually lower than for adults.
Approximately 6 percent of 9-year-old children experience
bed-wetting, reports the National Association for Continence. For such tweens,
it's not just a nuisance; it can pose a significant social issue, especially if
the child enjoys sleepovers, camps and similar events. If your child wets his
bed, you can help him overcome the problem through lifestyle changes,
medications and other living strategies.
Recommend alarm is also one
system of preventions, bed-wetting alarms for 9-year-old kids. The alarms
"tend to work well for children this age," she says. The devices rely
on sensors in the bed and sound an alarm as soon as they sense moisture. The
regular association between the act of bed-wetting and the sleep-disturbing
alarm helps train the child's brain.
For some children, the pediatrician may prescribe a medical
treatment to help them overcome the practice of bed-wetting. This solution
typically isn't successfully used in children under the age of 7, but a
9-year-old child is old enough to become a candidate. Options include
antidiuretics, which concentrate the child's urine, and certain
antidepressants, which prevent the bladder from emptying.
Motivation plays a big role in how quickly a child outgrows
bedwetting. To encourage and improve motivation, the Nemours Health System
suggests setting up a sticker-based motivational chart. For every night that
your child stays dry, she earns a sticker. After earning a certain quantity of
stickers, she wins a reward, such as a new toy.
Many parents find an easy solution to bed-wetting in children of
all ages is encouraging lots of fluid intake during the morning and afternoon
but placing restrictions on drinking in the evening. This helps prevent your
child from going to bed with a full bladder, which raises the risk of
bed-wetting. Similarly, "Parenting" magazine recommends having your
child use the restroom right before bedtime.
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