Saturday, 20 October 2012

Arteriosclerosis-Blockage of heart artery

Arteriosclerosis is a condition in which fatty material such as cholesterol and fat accumulates or collects along the walls of arteries produces thickness and hardening with formation of plaques that narrows and blocks the arteries.
Symptoms of arteriosclerosis
Symptoms of arteriosclerosis are highly variable; patient does not feel any symptom until there is much narrowing or blockage of the arteries when they are not capable of supplying sufficient amount of blood to the different organs or tissue in the body.
Symptoms of arteriosclerosis entirely depend upon the region or affected artery, following symptoms this condition may produce:
When arteries related to heart are involved:
·         Chest pain
·         Dyspnoea
·         Congestion in the chest
·         Excessive seating
·         Irregular heart beats
·         Numbness
·         Dizziness
·         anxiety
Symptoms when arteries of brain are affected:
·         Numbness of extremities
·         Drooping of facial muscles
·         Difficult  or  incoherent  speech
·         Intense headache
·         Difficulty in writing and reading
·         Difficult comprehension
·         Paralysis
·         Weakness
·         Difficulty in swallowing
·         Blindness
·         Blurred vision
When there is arteriosclerosis of the arteries of leg and arm
·         Pain in the legs
·         Pain in the arms

Diagnosis of arteriosclerosis
As far as diagnosis is concerned prior to other investigations, physical examination has to be done which includes signs or narrowing of the arteries.
Other examinations mainly include:
Blood test – it reveals level of cholesterol and sugar in the blood.
Doppler ultrasound- it helps to measure blood pressure at various points, degree of blockage and speed of blood flow can be measure by this test.
Stress exercise test – this test is done to evaluate the functioning of the heart during physical activity.
ECG – it is a very useful test which reveals the heart activity through electric signals.
Ankle brachial test – this test is done to diagnose the arteriosclerosis in the arteries of legs and feet.
Angiogram or cardiac catheterization – to diagnose the narrowing and blockage of the coronary arteries
Imaging studies- it mainly includes CT scan, MRI which often shows signs of aneurysm, calcium deposits in the walls of arteries, these studies also shows blockage and narrowing of large arteries of the body.

Risk factors of arteriosclerosis ion than females
·         Age – people with advanced age are at high risk
·         Sex – males are more prone to this condition
·         Family history – people who have family history of heart disease or arteriosclerosis are at increased risk.
·         Race – risk of arteriosclerosis is among African is twice than in Caucasian
·         High blood cholesterol levels in the blood especially low density lipoproteins
·         Hypertension or high blood pressure
·         Diabetes
·         Heavy smoking
·         Excessive alcohol intake
·         Less intake of fruits and vegetables
·         obesity
·         Sedentary life style or inactiveness
·         Rich diet such as eggs, meat rich in saturated fats; junk food.

Homeopathic treatment of arteriosclerosis
The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity by using holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim of homeopathy is not only to treat arteriosclerosis but to address its underlying cause and individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several remedies are available to treat arteriosclerosis that can be selected on the basis of cause, sensations and modalities of the complaints.  For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. There are following remedies which are helpful in the treatment of arteriosclerosis:

Baryta Mur – Hypertension and vascular degeneration; arteriosclerosis where high systolic pressure with a comparatively low diastolic tension is attended by cerebral and cardiac symptoms;  large blood vessel and aorta is involved; in duration and narrowing of cardiac orifice with  pain immediately after eating

Arnica Montana – Excellent remedy for cerebral arteriosclerosis; great tendency for hemorrhage; acts well in plethoric, feebly in debilitated people, relaxed bold vessel with black and blue spots; sore, lame and bruised feeling; thrombosis; limbs and body aches as if beaten

Aurum met  Well known medicine for arteriosclerosis; pulse rapid, feeble, irregular; hypertension; valvular lesions of arterio sclerotic nature; marked palpitation; sensation as if heart stopped beating for two or three seconds; immediately followed by sinking sensation in epigastrium; hypertrophy of the heart.

Ergotin – Acts well in the beginning of arteriosclerosis when only the cardiac irritation and the hard heart sound are present. Stiffening and degeneration of arterial walls, spasmodic contraction of the vessels with hardening

Spigelia – Remarkable remedy for the inflammation of the heart affecting both inner and outer lining of the heart, deficiency of the mitral valve in people who are alcoholic, pain in the heart, dizziness, noises in head, excessive nervousness, chocking sensation in throat; patient is unable to sleep properly; sparks before the eyes is a guiding symptom of this remedy.

Arsenic iod – Remedy for arteriosclerosis; myocardial degeneration and senile heart; cardiac weakness; emaciation and general debility; best suited to anemic people; rapid, irritable pulse; chronic aortitis.

Strophanthus – Arteriosclerosis; rigid arteries of aged; irritable heart of tobacco smokers; heart’s action weak; rapid, irregular due to muscular debility; and insufficiency; cardiac pain; increasing the systole and diminishes the rapidity; acts well in cases of mitral regurgitation, where edema and dropsy supervened.

Adrenaline – High arterial blood pressure; roaring in the ear due to hypertension; its chief therapeutic use depends on its vaso constriction action.
Aurum mur – Arterio-sclerosis; high blood pressure due to disturbed function of nervous mechanism; hypertrophy of the heart; congestion in the chest and head; strong palpitation.

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